Ninth Mark

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Chapter Twelve | Ninth Mark

|39 weeks|

"I'm having a home birth." Rihanna announced to the family in the living room.

"What?" Charles asked.

"I don't want all types of people in my business while I'm giving birth to my daughter. I want my privacy so I'm having a home birth." Rihanna said.

"I don't see what's wrong with it since gran has done it four times." Harry said rubbing Rihanna's baby bump.

"I approve it." The queen said.

"Thank you." Rihanna said.

|January 1 at 6:12 am|

Why did I ever bloody put myself through this, Robyn wondered to herself. She had been in labor for the past 9 hours surrounded by her two nurses, Susan and Tracey. They talked to her in soft, high-pitched tones as is she were a five year old and she had resisted the urge to smack them multiple times throughout the night. She heard that awful noise from Tracey's heinous sneakers coming around the corner into her room and felt herself well up with anger inside.

Harry was asleep next to her in the bed. She didn't bother to wake him cause she knew how tired he was especially after she crushed his hand during labor.

"Your highness, you have a visitor", Tracey said from the doorframe.

"Who?" Robyn asked, not taking her eyes off of her newborn baby's full head of dark hair.

"Her Royal Highness, Princess Eugenie" Tracey announced, looking at the ceiling obviously racking her brain to be sure she didn't mispronounce the long and obnoxious title.

"Right then. She can come in." Robyn said, still not looking at Tracey. She could hear the clacking of Eugenie's heels coming towards her room.

"Knock, knock" Eugenie said, pulling her glossy lips into smile. She sat herself down at the end of Robyn's hospital bed.

"Well finally someone shows up" Robyn said, cocking her head with annoyance, peering her eyes.

"Am I the first?" Eugenie said looking around before adding, "the family should be here soon."


"So, judging by the blue blanket we have a new prince, do we?"

"Princess actually. I just liked the color of this blanket," Robyn said referring to the dark blue swaddle blanket she had found in a baby store two weeks prior.

She saw the blanket in shop window and quietly bought it because it was the first thing that didn't make her want to gag.

" you want to hold her?" Robyn added quickly, unsure of how Eugenie would respond.

"Can I?" Eugenie said with the most excitement and oddly, vulnerability in her voice that Robyn had ever heard from her.

"Yeah, just grab her head of course," she said as she handed off the baby carefully into Eugenie's arms. Eugenie stood to the side of the bed and started to sway, stroking the baby's dark hair. They sat in silence for a moment as Eugenie admired the baby and Robyn admired this new side of Eugenie.

"Well she's got your hair for sure" Eugenie said with a giggle. Robyn saw Eugenie's guarded exterior begin to melt and her smile grew even wider. Robyn could feel herself getting mushier too and as much as she tried to ignore it she felt small tears begin to well in her eyes.

"Did you pick a name yet?" Eugenie said, finally looking up to see Robyn's cloudy, wet eyes.

"Monica." Robyn said.

"Hi Monica. I'm your cousin Eugenie. I'm going to give you fabulous clothes, gorgeous diamonds and maybe even a cousin someday..." she said in a sweet, soft voice while rocking the baby in her arms.

"You're technically her aunt you know." Robyn said half-jokingly.

"I guess." Eugenie said.

"Hello." William said, trotting into the doorway.

"William," Eugenie said.

"Hi," William said kissing the side of her face, "How you feeling, Rih?"

"I'm good. I feel like I need to lock my door and sleep for the next three weeks but we all know that isn't likely." Robyn said as Eugenie handed off the baby to William.

"I'll give you guys a moment." Eugenie said before giving William's arm a loving squeeze as she turned on her heels and left.

"Does she have a name?" William asked, cradling the baby.

"Yup. It's Monica."

"Monica. I love it."


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