Astrid's Close Call Rescue

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I couldn't sleep that night. I couldn't help but think of what Viggo was doing to Astrid at the moment. I walked into Fishlegs hut at about 6 in the morning and woke him up. He looked at me with a worried face. "Couldn't sleep Hiccup?" I looked right at him. "How did you know that?" I asked him. He started laughing for a while. "Seriously, what's so funny?" He smiled at me. "Come on Hiccup, everyone knows that you like Astrid". I put a shocked look on my face. "What are you talking about?" I asked him. "You don't think I haven't seen the way you look at her everyday ever since you were like, six? You don't think I haven't seen the way you hug her when she's upset? You always make her feel special and if your not blind, she likes you too". Wow. I never knew Fishlegs knew about all of this but I don't think Astrid would want me to tell anyone about us unless we tell everyone together. "You really think so?" I said to him. "Oh course! Now, you really need to make it happen after you rescue her. Promise?" I laughed and nodded my head. "Alright, now lets get go wake everyone up and get Astrid back!"
After about a half an hour we were all on our dragons and searching the sea for Astrid, Viggo and the hunters!

I went to sleep in a cell the night I was captured. But this morning I woke up in Viggo's "office". Ryker started circling Astrid while holding his sword. "Ok missy, would you like to do this the easy way, or the hard way". I stared at Ryker. "Is there another option that has to do with stop being a wussy and let me go already". Ryker grunted at me and raised his sword above my head. "Now now Ryker. We'll get no answer or information if we end her life now. Astrid, all we'd like is the key to taking the dragon eye from your little friends and we'll let you go". I hated these guys. Like REALLY hated these guys. I knew that if I lied to them this early, it wouldn't look convincing. So I just sat there looking at both of them for a few minutes. Viggo put an evil smile on his face. "Very well! If your not ready to talk now I'll leave Ryker to deal with you". Viggo left the room and left Ryker with me. I saw his fist coming towards my face and I all I remember is everything going black.

Where in Thor's name are they?! More importantly where is she?! We were flying for at least 3 hours and never saw anything. I put a sad look on my face. Fishlegs flew beside me. "We're gonna find her Hiccup, I promise". "But what if we get there and she's beaten to death by Viggo's men! What if she's..." "Hiccup it'll be fine. Stay calm". I took a deep breath and opened up my eyes to see a hunters ship right in front of us. "There!" I yelled and everyone followed me and Toothless down towards the bottom of the ship. We saw a little crack in the ship that was small enough to go into and the twins, me, Snotlout and Fishlegs snuck into the ship. "Hiccup, you go find Astrid, while we fight off the hunters down here". Fishlegs told me quiet enough so Snotlout wouldn't hear and get mad that he wasn't the one to save her. I nodded and snuck up the stairs to the middle of the ship where all the cages were. I heard someone whisper my name. "Astrid?" I said and heard my name being called again. I went around the corner and saw Astrid. But she was not the same. She had scratches and bruises all over her face and arms. "Oh my Thor Astrid, who did this to you?!" I asked while I took her hands in mine and gently massaged her hands with my thumbs. "Hiccup you have to go, now!" She told me. "No, I'm not leaving you!" She looked really scared. "No Hiccup, you don't understand, their here right now!" I looked at her with a shocked face. "Their?" All of a sudden, Ryker and Viggo came from around the corner. "Ryker?! Well that explains the cuts and bruises!" He smiled at me for some reason. "Well, you didn't think Viggo would hurt someone without me doing it for him now would you?" I glared at Ryker. "I thought that you would've saved her last night Hiccup, it's really a shame you didn't cause obviously you knew something would've happened to her the next day". Viggo looked at me while stood there. Not much longer after Viggo finished speaking, the twins Snotlout and Fishlegs came from behind me and started fighting Viggo and Ryker to distract them. I opened the cage Astrid was in and tried getting her to stand but she was too weak at the moment. I carried her from the cage onto Toothless while everyone else got on their dragons and blasted the ship and sunk it into the ocean. We all flew off back to the edge...

Well, that's the end of chapter seven! I'll post the next chapter later today or tomorrow. Before I go, Happy St. Patrick's Day!🍀👋👋

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