7: Lesson

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Wow, this story went on longer than I had originally planned, and I still have so many ideas. Should I make a second yandere book? Not with Bertholdt, but maybe Reiner or something like that?

C'mon, don't be silent readers! I want to hear your feedback!

Okay, so this chapter hurt to write. I just killed one of my favorite characters. I feel awful, but it had to be done. (Actually no, it didn't need to happen. Author-Chan is just evil, hehehe.)

~ present time ~

(Your POV)

There lay Jean, his body laying in the middle of the room, his glazed-over eyes bulging out of his head. His expression was one of terror, permanently frozen on his face. He had a cut on his cheek, and his fingers were all stubs. The cause of death, however, was strangulation. He had a rope around his neck, and it was tied so tight that it had cut into his skin.

His skin was bluish and, when I tentatively touched his leg, I found that it was cold to the touch. I yanked my hand back, a cried escaping my lips.

I felt my stomach turn violently, and I felt like I was about to vomit.

"No, not again," I sobbed. "Not two in a row!"

I knelt by his side, gently grabbing his hand. I tried to ignore the fact that his fingers had been amputated, and instead focused on my breathing. In, out, in, out. I can't pass out, I can't pass out. It kind of sucked that I was the one that had to keep finding these victims. I was so squeamish, even minor cuts made me feel light headed. Why did I need to be exposed to such gore?

Wait...two in row....

Was someone doing this? Thomas's death seemed a bit suspicious, but it seemed to check out as a natural cause. This, however, was clearly a murder. Maybe Thomas was murdered, too. But who would commit homicide like this? And why?

My head was spinning. I needed to get out, and fast.

I stood up, looking at Jean one last time, before I ran out of his room. I didn't notice the tall male in front of me before I crashed into them.

I gasped, stumbling backwards. My eyes trailed up his tall frame, until our eyes met, (e/c) and green. I let out a sigh of relief, and without thinking, pulled the boy into a tight hug.

Bertholdt grew stiff when I wrapped my arms around him, but I didn't stop hugging him. I needed an anchor, something safe and living.

"Jean's dead," I sobbed. "Just like Thomas. Someone killed them, I know it! What if they kill me, next? I'm so scared, Bertholdt!"

He gently stroked my hair, and I snuggled deeper into his firm chest.

"It's okay, they won't hurt you next. I promise. I can protect you."

"Really?" I asked softly, looking up into his pretty green eyes. "You will?"

"Yes, I will. Just stay by me all the time, and I'll make sure no one else touches you."

"Thank you so much," I said gratefully, and took a step back, now feeling better. "I just...I just wish they didn't die. What kind of monster would do that to innocent people?" I wrapped my arms around myself. "I'm so confused, and freaked out. What's even happening?" My voice was filled with despair. (Junko: "did someone say despair?" Me: "go back to your own fandom!")

Bertholdt was quiet for a minute. "I don't know," he eventually whispered. "But I'll make sure your safe, (Y/n). Don't worry about that."

~ ~ ~

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