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Both Jenna and Shane were in the lunch room sitting at a table and attempting to converse with each other. Which obviously didn't go over well due to them being complete strangers.

"Hey, guys." I said walking over.

"Finally!" Jenna practically screamed.

Looks like I was missed.

Then Shane spoke.

"What did he want?"

"He asked me if I dropped a notebook."

"That's all?" Jenna chimed in.

"Yeah, pretty much." I replied casually.

"Then why did he want to talk in private? That's kind of strange."

"I'm going to agree with her here, that is odd. He could have asked you in front of us. Did he say anything else?" Shane asked me curiously.

..I really don't care to bring up his little face touch scene. They would find that creepy, wouldn't they?

"No, he just said there was a notebook under where I sit."

"He's single, right?" Jenna asked, looking hopeful.

"I think so.. I don't remember if he said if he was or not. Why don't you go ask him." I teased.

"Okay." She shrugged.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. I want to know if I have a chance. I'm dead serious." She sighed.

"I really want to see how this turns out." Shane added.

"Then lets go! I want to know!" She excitedly said. So, we took off to his room.

'Knock, knock.'

"Come in."

"You two wait here." She whispered before walking in.

"Mr. Biersack," she started.

"Hmm?" he mumbled.

"I just have a quick question."

"And that is?"

"You're, uh, like, I mean.. Oh, why can't I do this?" She sighed the last part to herself.

He looked up and he seemed annoyed.

"Well, what is it?" He looked like he was fighting to not roll his eyes.

"You said you were, uh, single, right? I was ju-"

"Yes." He grumpily mumbled out while finally rolling his eyes.

She nodded and scurried out the door and over to us.

"I think you annoyed him." I giggled.

"Shut up!" She hit my arm.

"Ow." I frowned.

Shane started laughing.
We shut up and turned around when we heard a throat clearing behind us.

"Having fun?" he asked.

"JADE WANTED TO KNOW IF YOU WERE SINGLE." Jenna rushed out embarrassed.

"What the hell?! No I didn't! It wasn't even my idea to come over here!" I smacked the back of her head.

And there was Shane laughing loudly.

"You did, did you?" He switched his gaze from Jenna to me and smirked.

"No! She wanted to know if you were available! Not me!" I blushed furiously.

Jenna stopped laughing when I said that and began blushing herself.

"What if we told you Shane wanted to know?" Jenna asked looking from Shane to Mr. Biersack.

Shane then shut up and stared at Jenna wide-eyed while Mr. Biersack's face held a horrified expression.

"What the actual fuck?!" Shane screamed.

I quickly leaned against the wall for support in my fit of laughter, Jenna quickly joined me, her face was beet red, and I'm sure mine matched.

Shane was silent, embarrassed beyond belief, and Mr. Biersack was staring at Jenna and Shane with wide eyes.

"Oh my gosh...!" Jenna cried out. "I was kidding! Oh god!" She finished.

I was still laughing and still had difficulty breathing.

Mr. Biersack silently turned back into his room and shut the door. Still looking somewhat mortified.

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