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"Oh my gosh! Jade, you are so lucky!" Jenna screams.

"And I'm lucky because..?" I trail off.

"You got detention with Mr. Gorgeous!"

"Well, I would gladly give you my spot in detention, but that would just cause more trouble."

Jenna frowns, but quickly it turns into a smile.

"I'm going to listen to music in class, maybe I'll get a detention." She says smugly.

I laugh at her.

"Come on, Jenna. We have to get to gym." I sigh.

Once we arrive at gym, the coach tells us all to run for fifteen minutes.

Exhausted, the laps are finally finished. I'm surprised I didn't fall on my face; I detest running.

Jenna then comes wheezing over. She hates running just as much as I do.

"Do *wheeze* you need a *wheeze* ride home after *wheeze* detention?" She asks, still gasping for breath.

Jenna might hate running more than me, actually.

"Crap! Yeah, I do. My mother still refuses to help buy me a car, and you were my ride this morning."

"Text me when detention is done with and I'll pick you up." She says once she finally got her breathing under control.

"Thank you, you're the best."

"Yeah, I know." She cockily replies.

After a while, gym finally ends.

On to the rest of our classes, I internally sigh.

The day goes by agonizingly slowly. Grouchy teachers in all of my classes. Just fantastic.

On the plus side, I have Jenna in every class.

"Time for detention!" She practically screams while jumping up and down.

"Thanks for reminding me." I say. Sarcasm dripping heavily in my tone.

Jenna pinches my cheek.

"Now, now. No need to be grouchy. He's gorgeous, you should be happy."

I roll my eyes in response.

"Now go to detention and text me when it's over!"

"Alright." I say, waving.

I walk into the room and plop myself in one of the desks in the back.

"Ahhh good, you didn't ditch." He says, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

I keep my eyes focused on the desk.

"Hmm" I faintly hear him sigh.

Sitting on a desk in front of me he asks, "Come on, Jade. No need to hate me."

I look at him for a moment before replying.

"I don't hate you." I quietly say.

He raises an eyebrow before responding.

"Alright then." He gets off the desk and walks back to his own.

After a torturous hour, he gives me the okay to leave.

I grab my phone to text Jenna and tell her I'm ready to be picked up, but when I do, I noticed she had already messaged me.

'I'm so sorry, my car broke down on the way home, I can't give you a ride today.. I'll make it up to you!'


I text her back,

'Nah, don't worry about it, I'll walk home, I could use the air. I'll see you tomorrow. "

Well, looks like I'm walking home lonely. How lovely.

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