C HA P T E R 4:

38 2 3

A/ N: Guys, please vote and comment on my story. Since this is my first story, I could really use some feedback. Enjoy 😁

Later that day when I returned home around 6 pm, I was surprised to find my mom gone. I called out to her a few times but instead was greeted with a deafening silence. Worry engulfed my heart as I wondered why she wasn't back yet when her job had already finished four hours ago. Taking my phone out to give her a call, I see 5 new messages. All from my mom. Opening them I bit my lip trying to keep a sob in.

3:44 p.m.

Mom -  Zaraaya why aren't you picking up your phone? Are you alright? Call me back as soon as you get my message.

4:10 p.m.

Mom - Zaraaya pls call me. Your dad is in the hospital, he had an accident. Pls honey I need you here with me.

4:57 p.m.

Mom - Zary? Whats wrong? Are you OK? Pls, call me. The doctor is here, I'll be waiting for your call.

5:42 p.m.

Mom - They admitted your dad in the hospital. He's in room no.67, Ward C. Pick up my call.

6:18 p.m.

Mom - I'm worried. Pls, call me. I don't know what to do, your Uncle Sam isn't picking up his phone either.

I quickly grabbed my coat and rushed outside, locked the front door and began pacing down the street towards the hospital. It was 20 minutes walk from here but walk a bit faster and you could reach there in about 10 minutes. As the hospital neared, my pace started to quicken. Sweat drops started to form on my forehead and I furiously wiped them. People around me gave me strange looks but I couldn't care less. To be honest I kind of got used to these looks, thanks to my wonderful peers back at school.

As soon as I reached my dad's room, I called out, "Mom? Dad? I'm here. Sorry, I couldn't pi-" The words got stuck in my throat. Suddenly my throat seemed to be drier than a desert as I took in the view in front of me. If I knew then what I know now, maybe I wouldn't have barged in my dad's room. Maybe I would've knocked and waited for someone to let me in. But I didn't and I faced the consequences. 

My dad's left hand was in a cast, seemingly broken. The other was in the jet black hair of a tall and slender girl. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened and broke away from the kiss as he stammered,

 "Z- Zary? uh, how are you, honey? uhm.. h-how's school?" 

Tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't believe it. My dad, the one whom I haven's seen for months, was kissing another woman. He was having an affair! The woman ran her fair and long fingers through her hair and straightened her blazer. She had a badge on her blazer that said Personal Assistant, Senior Manager. I bit back another sob as I realized that this woman was my dad's PA. I shook my head slightly as I took a few steps backward, leaving the room when I bumped into someone. Turning around my gaze locks with the warm eyes of my mother.

"Hey, what's wrong Zary? Don't be silly and stop crying, your father is alright, just a sprain in his left hand. It's gonna be alright." She assured me. She put her hand on my shoulder as she gave me a comforting squeeze and went towards my dad. 

"Oh! I didn't know we had a visitor! So rude of me, please have a seat. Would you like something to eat perhaps?" My mom asked.

The woman smiled slightly as she shook her head. My dad spoke up, " It's alright sweetheart. By the way, this is my PA. She just came in to check up on me." His eyes going anywhere but not meeting mine. I couldn't take this any longer, I murmured a quick goodbye as I left the room.

 I was confused, angry, but most of all I was hurt. I was hurt that my dad could steep down so low. I was hurt that my dad was having an affair when my mom was pregnant with his child. I was hurt that my dad thought that woman was worth staying away from his family. I was hurt that the man I always admired turned out to be a man I never perceived he would be. 

Walking on the streets, I try to keep my tears at bay as I remembered all the time I spent with my dad. I took him as my hero, my idol. I would always be boasting around about how awesome and cool he was. Maybe he became to cool for us, so he decided to seek other women. I felt betrayed beyond comprehension. I felt so hurt. 

The cold air was like pins on my skin and my dad's actions were like knives in my heart. 

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