C H A P T E R 2

62 8 4

This chapter is solely dedicated to UswaNadeem, my best friend, my sister and the only woman I will ever love ❤ (P.S- I'm straight.)

6:15 a.m.

Sigh. Fifteen more minutes to go. I take out the half eaten bag of chips from my bag and start eating them. Its piquant taste made my stomach grumble and reminded me of the dinner that I skipped last night. Again. I placed my elbows on my knees and then buried my head in my palms. The sound of wheels and the slight rise of the dirt made me sneeze, and then look up. My bus was here. I nod slightly and pick up my backpack, and slowly began to walk towards the bus. I bow my head, letting my hair shield me from the abhorrent glances of people in the bus and sit on the seat next to the window. I was sitting alone of course. Putting my earbuds in my ear I look up briefly and put my head on the headrest. Of course, they thought I was a freak, who wouldn't? Only a cracked person would deem it fit to wear a full-sleeved shirt and jeans on a day when even the plants wanted to hide from the sun's glare. I close my eyes and try to fall into another bliss of fathomless emptiness.

As the bus stops in front of our school, the students start to get off, but I stay rooted to my seat. I've learned my lesson last week of trying to leave the bus first. After the bus became empty, I got off and slowly began walking to my locker. I took out the necessary books needed for our first period and went to the small room next to the library. Everyone thought it was a janitor's closet because of the label on the door, but it isn't at least not now. I usually hide in this room whenever something happens, it's like my little safe haven. 

When seen from outside, our school looks very high-profile- quality- education kinda school. It is, but the young amateur teachers and students lacking any kind of alacrity, the entire reign of the school goes to the elite students' group, - the Primes. It sounds stupid, I know, but they really call themselves that. He was their leader and they were his blind followers who would do anything to stay up on the popularity scale. After meeting him I realized that the devil is real, and he isn't a little red man with horns and a tail. No, he can be beautiful because he is a fallen angel and used to be God's favorite.

After spending 8 months in this school, I have learned (from experience) that power is something that feeds off fear and fear is always there in the presence of a superior power. Just like a starving man can do anything for food, a slight lick of power leaves people begging for more. So much that they agree to do anything, even inhumane things, just for that power. 

I still remember my first week at school. When I first came to Evermount High, I was barely a teenager. At the tender age of 12, I believed in all sorts of fantasies like fairytales, Santa Claus, angels and ... monsters. But only after spending some time in the school I realized the common misconception of monsters. Nobody told me that all the real monsters in the world would be humans in disguise.

My first day at school was going fine, until our third period - Music class. Now I wasn't much of an instrumental player, I did know the basics of playing guitar but my talent was my voice. But that day our teacher told me to present something on my guitar for the students, and I just couldn't refuse. So I took my guitar and started playing, but I was so nervous that I couldn't sing or play the guitar. I literally just stood in the front of the entire class for 10 minutes straight. the students were staring at me and I was staring at them back, why? I don't know that till date.

"..uhm. OK Zaraaya, get back to your seat. It's OK, maybe you will be ready next time, yeah?" Mr.Williams said. I just nodded my head and practically dashed to my seat at the end of the class. The teacher began to start the class and a few of the students presented some really mesmerizing tunes. It was beautiful, especially the guy who played the drums.

Lunchtime came around and I kept my things back at the locker and proceeded towards the canteen. The canteen was beautiful, smart and very organized. But there were no teachers in charge in the canteen. I found it weird as in my previous school there were always 2 or 3 teachers in charge of canteen supervision. I shrugged my shoulders and as I joined the queue for food. When my turn came, I said "hello, good morning. Can I have tha-"

before I could complete my sentence, a rough shove pushed me to the ground. Fixing my glasses, I look up to see a boy about my age, with black hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a black leather jacket and washed up denim. He seemed familiar. I squinted my eyes at him, trying to recall where I saw him. But he took it in the wrong way. 

"What are you looking at, cow? Get your fat ass outta here. This is an elite school, not for some wannabe bitches with guitars." he sneered. My eyes widened as I finally remembered him, he was the drummer. My cheeks blaze up in embarrassment as I slowly get up, and put my hands behind me to fix my skirt.

 He noticed this and chuckled, "Ain't no one here who wants to glance up your ugly ass. Just get out of here before I knock you out again." 

Damn, why so angry?

I looked down as I pick up my money and run out of the canteen. My eyes started to sting, complaining why I wasn't letting the tears free. 

As I was leaving the canteen, I heard a girl speak up, " Why did you do that? You know we can't do that until he is here, especially not to a newbie. He's gonna be pissed." 

The guy replied, " Meh, he won't be pissed. Anyways when is Xa..."

I didn't hear the rest, I just wanted to go somewhere, anywhere far from here. I decided to go to the washroom.

 As soon as I reached the washroom, I broke down. How could they be so mean? Why didn't anyone help me? Is this how the rest of my school life is gonna end up as? I knew I was ugly. I was fat, with acne on my face, a big wide nose that always stole the spotlight and big, round glasses on too. But that doesn't mean they can insult me like that. 

The next few days weren't that bad. I mean sure people ignored me like a plague and I could see the mocking smile on the cheerleaders' faces and bits of snickers here and there, but other than that everything was OK. That is until Thursday came around. Until he came back.

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