It's not easy being OverQueen

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Sorry for the long wait, I've recently gotten into a relationship... It's different, I haven't been in one since my ex and he's different. So I've been going on dates when I'm not at work and school, and as much as it's killing me because he's refusing to let me pay, I have to admit it's nice to have someone pamper me a bit, is that bad? Anyway, on to the chapter.... I hope you enjoy.

Serena's P.O.V

Looking at her new children, or grandchildren she supposes, she beckons one of the Predaliens forward. Its heavy footsteps echo through the room as it moves towards her and she smirks as it steps in front of her throne and slowly lowers its head. "You are smart... to bow your head to me that is. It means you know who I am... I remember from my old Queen's memories that your kind are very... independent."

Slowly rising from her throne she places a hand on it's chest and she tilts it's head up to look at her, or as well as the creature can without eyes. "Will you obey me?"

It nudges her hand with its head and lowers its head again, she smirks and nods. "Good, let's go... I have a mission for you and your sisters."

They all hiss in what seems like cheers and follow after her as she brushes past them and towards the exit of the ship. Once she gets there, several dozen drones are already waiting for her along with the Destroyers. Looking back at the the twelve Predaliens she smirks and looks at all of the Covenant forces looking at her in apprehension. She smirks and hisses loudly, "Stand guard, protect my daughter with your lives. I'll be back soon, as soon as I wipe these humans from this planet."

She can see the renewed belief build in their eyes and she rolls her eyes, looking back at her children she smirks. "Let's go."

She charges towards the woods but the Arbiter appears in front of her and she skids to a halt, she glares and hisses. "What now Arbiter?"

He holds out his hand and she squints at the small device in his hand, it's a flat silver device with glowing blue symbols carved into it. "This is a signal cloak-er, it will keep you hidden from their scanners, at least until it is too late."

Frowning she slowly takes the device, "Hmm... it seems I should thank you Arbiter."

His chest rumbles in laughter and he starts moving back towards the ship, "Yes, you should."

Hissing in annoyance she flicks her tail and sprints into the forest, with her horde following swiftly behind her. 

Time skip...

It took several hours to get to the human facility, and when they arrive, Serena is mildly surprised at what she sees. A huge facility built into the face of a mountain, she knew that the Arbiter had discovered the facility, but he had not informed her of what kind of security it had. If it weren't for the device in her palm, she was sure the dozens of turrets on the roof of the massive building would have torn her and her daughter's children to shreds. Looking at the facility with keen eyes she looks for entry points then she spots it, a venting system on the top of the facility. Looking back at her small army she hisses low, "Go back out of the range of those guns, I will find a way to open the facility and shut down those weapons, then... we wipe the human's from this planet once and for all, then all of our focus can be on the Red ones..."

They all disappear into the forest and she slowly rises, and then sprints towards the mountain side. Latching on with her claws she slowly climbs up the side of the mountain, and towards the roof. Upon landing on it see freezes in place when one of the turrets points in her direction, a feeling of fear builds in her chest and the it disappears when the turret doesn't even register her presence. A different feeling overwhelms her and she resists the urge lean against the wall as a numb and light feeling washes over her, shaking her head she sprints towards the large venting system and kneels down next to it. Gripping the vent, with minimal effort she yanks the metal barrier off of the vent itself and tosses it to the side. Crawling into the vent, her body doesn't make a sound as she crawls through it. 

After about ten minutes of wondering she closes her eyes and hisses lowly, and a wave of sound seems to bounce off of every surface, and travel back to her. Then before her closed eyes everything becomes clear, every person in every part of the station, but what causes her eyes to open wide and her anger to spike is the presence of an Pure-blooded Queen deep in the bowls of the facility. Her lip curls and she maneuvers her way through to the vents, her mind set on finding the power center of the facility. Coming up to the grate she tears it up and throws it further into the vent, using her tail as a support she slowly lowers herself into the room and sets herself onto the white floor. Pulling her tail out of the vent she looks around, a huge machine easily twice her size is to her left, with many spinning and glowing parts, and to her right is a large computer with dozens of screens and several dozen glowing buttons. 

Moving over to the large computer she looks at the screens and sees several screens that show a moving point of view and her mouth forms a smirk, "This is the control center... and if I'm right, that large mechanical thing behind me is the thing that powers this place... this couldn't be more perfect. It's almost like they purposely put them together because they couldn't think of any other place to have them."

Trying to figure out how to power them down is a different story though, frowning she looks at the different buttons but one catches her eye, one that says power. Pushing it she watches as several of the screens turn black, all of them the rotating ones. Chuckling she moves over to the large machine behind her and steps up to it just as alarms blare through out the facility. Remembering something from her Queen's memories she brings a clawed hand up to her mouth and her taloned forefinger cuts alone her human looking tongue, and acidic blood pools in her mouth. Once her mouth is full she swallows, and then takes a deep breath. Upon exhaling a mist of green spews from her mouth and all over the machine, and her blood slowly melts away at the machine until is sparks and sputters, then powers down completely. As soon as the machine stops, all power in the facility cuts out and only red light illuminate the room. 

Sending a mental command to her daughter's children, she can feel them charging towards the facility and she spins around just in time to see the door on the other side of the room fly off its hinges. Her smiles fades a bit when she sees the man in the strange armor from several days ago, and when he spots her, he pulls out his gun. She tsks and nimbly launches herself into the vent she dropped from, and speeds through it, heading towards the bowels of the facility to see just what they are doing with a pure blood Queen.

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