What are you?

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Hey Ya'll sorry it's been awhile, how have all of you been, anyone got married, got engaged, got preggers? Anyone got anything interesting happening, write it down in the comments, I would love to hear about it.... but until then, enjoy the chapter.

BTW.. The picture above is not mine, it belongs to a very talented artist on Deviant-Art and I give them full credit, whoever they are... anyway to the chapter with all of you!!

In all the years Serena's Queen had been around she had met many opponent's, and in all of the memories Serena had in her head, none of them had that human machine in them. Growling her tail thrashed back and forth, her long sharp nails clicked as she scraped them against each other.  Stopping her repetitive pacing her clawed hands trail around to her back and she outwardly winces when she feels the shattered dorsal tubes, still bleeding on her back. gritting her teeth she cracks her dorsals back into places with an echoing crack and a loud growl. A loud thud behind her makes her turn towards the back of the chamber, and a sinister grin spreads across her face. "Ah, you've finally hatched from your cocoon."

Sauntering over to the newly hatched Queen she smiles when she feels a familiar tug of a voice attempting to invade her mind, without a thought she lets it through. "Mother, it seemed like I have been in that retched cocoon for years, shall I form an ovipositer behind the throne like your mind says?"

Smiling at her enthusiasm a slight chuckle escapes her mouth,  "Yes, start laying the first of the Ovomorphs as soon as you are able, the first of your victims are already hanging from the resin."

"Very well Mother, my newest children shall be fully grown in three days time."

"Perfect, and as for your name my daughter, you shall be named, Kilysa."

Stretching out her hand Serena caresses her daughters crest, "As soon as these human's are driven from the planet and the Red Abominations are destroyed, we will rule this planet."

An aura of agreement emanated from Kilysa as she pulled away from Serena and walked her way over to the area behind the Throne and set to work. Sighing in content Serena walks towards the exit of the ship, hoping that she can catch the Arbiter before he hibernates for the night. Leaving the ship, Serena sniffs the air, and smiles at the still fresh smell of blood. strutting towards the main tent I push my way through the flaps. "Arbiter, I hope you are available, cause I'm coming in anyway."

Heavy footsteps to her right make her swivel towards the noise, and with a grin on her face she stares at the creature in front of her, still dressed in his armor, with blood scattered across the surface of it, "I hope the recent battle has you in as good a mood as it has me, because I require something of you."

The tall creature turns and stares at her with slitted eyes, "What do you want Serena?"

"My daughter has finally emerged from her royal cocoon, we have many men from the human's for hosts,  but if I am going to be able to help you in any way here on out, I'm gonna need stronger hosts."

"What are you asking of me Serena?"

"I need you to... convince at least five of your Zealots to offer themselves as hosts."

The Arbiter seemed shocked before rage overcame him, "NEVER, I would never ask my brethren to submit themselves to your kind's form of reproduction."

Stalking towards the Arbiter with a sinister look on her face, she leans her face close to his. "If you will not ask them, then go and find the Predator base and capture five of them. Better yet, go and kill their base and then take what remains of your forces after that, and wipe out the humans. Then after that, if you have anything left, take on the Red Xenomorphs, because without my daughter's children and I, you will fail. Consider my words Arbiter, because in the end, I am the only ally you have on this planet, and now that my children are being birthed, I can always harvest your forces while you all sleep. I will expect your answer by tomorrow morning, show up with the five Zealots or... well you know what will happen, Goodnight Arbiter."

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