Chapter fourty-two

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After Marshall had added something to eat for Naina to our placed order and we'd gotten a guest room ready for her; of course as far away as possible from our bedroom, we had eaten, laughed a lot and then went to bed.
It was nice having my best friend here and we'd already decided that tomorrow we'd plan my moving over here. I can't explain how relieved and happy I'd been that Nai had my back in all this and wasn't giving me a hard time. I didn't know if I could cope if I'd lost her because of me being in love. In the end, Naina was still and would always be the closest thing to family I'd had since the past 2 decades, no matter that I now had Marshall at my side.

She'll forever be my soulmate!!!

It was 5.48 am the next morning when I'd been woken up from someone shaking me at my shoulder. At first I thought about killing whoever it was, since Marshall couldn't keep his hands off me until 4.30 am and therefore I hadn't been asleep for too long, but when I heard Nai whisper my eyes shoot open.

„Nai?" I turned to my left to indistinctly see her squatting down beside the bed.

„Get your ass up and be quiet, the hot piece is still sleeping." My eyes widened instantly when she'd mentioned Marshall and I carefully sat up to look at him.

Please be covered, please be covered!!!

To my relief, the sheets only revealed his bare back and for a second I was tempted to let my nails run softly over his arm, shoulders and down his spin. I still remembered that we hadn't pulled on any clothes and was now happy that my best friend hadn't seen my boyfriends dick.

„Ey..." Nai ripped me out of admiring Marshall by pinching my nipple and I clutched one hand on the hurting spot while the other shot up to cover my mouth to contain a scream. „Get up or I'll pull the sheets down." She threatened and I glared at her warningly.

I released my mouth and boob and slowly glided out of bed to tip toe into the walk in closet and grab some clothes, but not without pinching Nai in her shoulder.

Payback is a bitch!!!

Naina had followed me outside and the first thing I did while we walked side by side down the staircase, was smacking her on the back of her head.

„Are you insane to walk into our bedroom? And why for gods sake are you already awake?" Her answer was a slap on my ass and a chuckle before she wrapped her arm around my waist.

„Answer to number two, I couldn't sleep because you two kept me awake all night. Is this man ever satisfied? I mean.....damn!! I didn't know you could scream like this..." I facepalmed myself while she laughed out. „And why I came in to wake you up? First, if I can't sleep you allowed either and honestly I thought I'd have a chance to see what made you scream all night." She wiggled her eyebrows and I chuckled.

She's something else....

„To bad you didn't, huh?" I teased and she huffed out.

„Fuck yeah....though that back ain't all too bad either. How much is he working out?"

„Nai?!" I warned her jokingly while I walked around the kitchen isle to switch on the coffee maker and she sat down on a barstool, put her head in her hands and sighed dreamily.

„44 years old and such a hottie, I really should be jealous..." The next best thing I could grab, a kitchen towel, flew over and landed on her face.

„Stop it!" I warned her but definitely couldn't contain a laugh and she shrugged nonchalantly.

„Why? Bitch, if I would've have such a hottie I'd brag the whole damn day. Fuck, I'd probably have pics of every part of his body to keep me company and turned on when he's not around."

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