Chapter twelve

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The following days I could only describe as heavenly. Marshall had really kept his promise to be better and though I could see that sometimes it was hard for him to not crawl back in his cave and hide away from the world, that he tried this hard meant a lot to me.

It was now Friday and we had our first none-client weekend ahead of us.

I had one more week with him...

Actually we had nothing planned, as always and so I was surprised when he strolled into my room and told me to get ready.

„Where are we going?"

„Surprise?" He asked back and I huffed out fake annoyed.

„Then what should I wear?"

„Wear whatever you want, you look hot as fuck in anythin'!"

„Charming, Mister Mathers..." I smiled while walking over to him and placed my hands on his chest.

„Call me that again and you won't need any clothes no more!"

„I hope that's a promise...." I kissed him quickly and let my hands glide down to his waistband, „Mister Mathers!"

„You fuckin like to play wit fire, hm?" He asked against the skin of my neck, while he let his lips glide to my ear, sending chills up and down my spine.

„If I won't get burned, yes!" I whispered and let my right hand glide into his sweatpants and boxers to grab his dick.

„Babe, we can't do this now..." he let out while his breathing became heavier.

„Why not? Who wants to stop us?"

„The barbecue invitation at Nickle's!" He answered and I shrugged and kissed him again.

„Chris..." Marshall mumbled under his breath and I pulled off him. For a few seconds he didn't say a word until I squeezed his now almost completely hard dick and he soaked in air sharply. „Fuck it! They can wait!"


After we'd showered and got ready we drove to Royce. To be honest, I was surprised that Marshall took me with him or not declined the invitation because I was here. It seemed as if he wanted to take another step by introducing me to the girlfriends or wife's of his friends and I'd lie if I'd say I wouldn't be a little nervous about it. Most definitely the women knew the circumstances under which Marshall and I had met and normally it wouldn't faze me at all, but now it was different. Now I was here not to work, this was my private life and I didn't know how I'd react if they would judge me, and whatever Marshall and I had, based off my job.

„You're late." Royce greeted us with a smirk when he opened the door to his house and while I said ‚hi' and ‚sorry', Marshall slapped hands with him.

„All her fault, man, you know how long chicks need in the bathroom." I fake glared at him which made him smirk, while we followed Royce through the house into the backyard.

I was surprised to see quite a few people and instantly their eyes landed on us when we walked outside.

Deep breath! Straighten up! They're just women!

„These chicks are hyenas, babe..." Marshall whispered when he leaned to my ear, „just stay wit me an you'll be fine!"

Thanks for the early warning!

We'd greeted Denaun and I'd been introduced to everyone else, while Marshall had wrapped his arm loosely around my waist. It felt good that with this small gesture he not even gave me some kind of comfort, but also showed everyone that I wasn't just a random girl which had been payed to be here and then Royce's wife, Becca, looked at me.

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