Chapter eight

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It felt like in a cowboy movie after my confession, only the music, wind and dried out grass was missing. The room had fallen completely quiet and we both just stared at each other until I couldn't take it anymore, bowed my head and quickly turned around. I'd just grabbed the door handle when Marshall placed his hand over mine. He was standing so close behind me, that I could feel his breath on my back.

„Don't leave me!" He said quietly. All the hostility had disappeared from his voice and I heard him swallowing hard. „Please stay with me, Christina!" I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly.

„I can't!" I whispered and Marshall's hand tightened around mine, before he pulled our hands off and spun me around.

God, these eyes........

„What ya want me to do to make you stay?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. „Chris, you gotta gimme somethin' to work with." He went on while a small smile appeared on his face.

„I don't know what." It was true, I was confused, kinda lost.

This love- thing is just shit!

„How bout that?" He asked then and while his left hand moved to my waist to pull me closer, he leaned forward and pressed his lips on mine.


I had completely forgotten how it felt to kiss someone you have feelings for. This was just different, the warm feeling which builded in your stomach, the heat which suddenly rushed through your veins, the tingling on your lips.... it was magical!
Much too soon he stopped and when he pulled away, I recognized a smile I'd never seen on his face.

„Please stay!" He begged again and my eyes moved up from his lips to his eyes while I pressed my lips together and then I nodded. Instantly he kissed me again, only this time I could quickly feel his tongue against my lips. I opened them to deepen the kiss while I placed my hand on his chest and he pulled me even closer. I honestly hoped my knees wouldn't buckle when he ended, but Marshall still held me close.

„I'm sorry for yellin' at you an my fucked up behavior the past days, Chris." He suddenly apologized and I nodded.

„And I'm sorry too."

All he did was nod and then something popped up in my head and I wiggled out of his arms.

„We can't do this...."

„Chris, please!" He cutted in with a sigh and placed his hands on my waist to definitely pull me to him again, but I pushed them off and shook my head.

„No! You have Tasha, I won't be the reason you cheat on her."

„I'm not with her anymore!" He stated while confusion basically streamed out of every pore of his body and I knitted my eyebrows together.

„But why was she at the studio? You left with her, didn't come home all night..." I was completely irritated.

This doesn't make any sense!

„She was at the studio cause her car broke down close. Tash asked me to give her a ride home and I'm not as fucked up as everyone thinks and not help. Chris, I went back to work and stayed there all night." I only looked at him while I tried to process the new information and Marshall used the situation and pulled me closer again. „Royce was with me the whole time, lady. I know I can be a huge asshole, but I wouldn't hurt you like that!"

„Why did you thought it would've hurt me?"

„I've a certain friend which definitely shouldn't be a priest...." he chuckled and I huffed out. „Royce called me an told me about ya lil talk."

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