Chapter ten

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The rest of his work day you can describe easily with one word -awkward! I felt like walking on egg shells whenever I'd talked to Marshall to not piss him off. Constantly I was either getting snarky comments or only a huff as answer, which slowly started to step on my nerves. I'd thought we were doing good since yesterday and especially since last night, but I guess I was wrong.
When it was time to leave the studio, he had informed me that he had to stay longer and that Sam would take me to the house. So I went home, had dinner with Martha and afterwards changed my clothes and stayed in my room.

If he wants to talk, he knows were to find me.

I woke up from my bed moving and before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt Marshall's lips on mine and he rolled me on my back to lay on top of me.

„Marshall...." I whispered when he shortly stopped kissing me, but instantly he pressed his lips on mine again, while he pushed my shirt up.

„I just wanna feel you..." He said when he pulled my top off and instantly his lips found mine again while he then pushed my panties down.

~ 2 weeks later ~

The past 2 weeks Marshall hadn't changed his behavior towards me anymore. During the day he was avoiding me as good as possible, while at night he would come into my room to have sex with me. Each time he became more affectionate, softer, more loving almost, but as soon as we'd come down from our highs he would get up and leave my room, to avoid me the next morning again.
I'm not gonna lie, his actions hurted me and it became even more painful because, despite his behavior, I fell more and more for him. I was more then sure that there was a reason behind while he was doing what he did, but when I tried to talk to him he only shook his head and walked away.
Of course I had talked to Naina about it, to hear another opinion if maybe I was just overreacting or couldn't see what was going on, because my feelings for him clouded my mind somehow. But even she thought that it was strange and weird.

And now it was my last night in Detroit. I'd made it through one month of being avoided, hurt and basically used as a sex toy and still I didn't regret that I'd stayed and had met Marshall. He had taught me a lot about myself without even knowing and for not only this I'd be forever thankful. Marshall Mathers, the almost untouchable seeming rap god, had made me realize that I was still capable of falling in love, I'd carry him with him every day for the rest of my life.....

This weekend Whitney had stayed with him or us for that matter, again and it was sad to see how bummed she'd been that I'd leave. But after I'd asked Marshall for his allowance, I'd exchanged numbers with her so she could talk to me whenever she felt the need to.

She's such a sweet girl...

Her dad had taken her home while I had started to pack my stuff. I had mixed feelings about leaving tomorrow. On one side I missed my home and Naina and getting away from Detroit meant not being lonely anymore, but then there was him. My heart was hung up on him and it made me incredible sad to leave therefore.

I was just zipping up my 3rd bag, when I heard the door to my room being opened and seconds later 2 arms sneaked around my waist.

„Stop doin' that shit and kiss me." He said husky from behind me and I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly.

For sure I wanted to, feeling him was one of the best things I'd ever experienced, but I knew it would kill me inside, knowing that it would be our last time.

„Chris, please..." He begged when I hadn't moved and I turned around, placed my hands on his chest and kissed him which was the start of the best sex I'd ever had.

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