Chapter eleven

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I'd went into the kitchen and made coffee since Martha hadn't arrived yet, it was 6 am so she maybe would still be peacefully asleep. Marshall had went upstairs and I honestly had a bad feeling in my stomach. The conversation from earlier and his reaction made me think that he probably wouldn't keep his promise now. But what did he expect me to do? That I'd quit my job, move over here and stay with him only because he realized that he maybe needed me and some vague feelings?

Hell NO!

I might was a fool in love, but I was still thinking straight enough if it came to my convictions. He knew what would make me quit and I refused to move from that point for even one millimeter.

„I'll go for a run." Marshall startled me from behind and I turned around to see him leaning at the kitchen isle.

God, he's so hot!!!!

„Want me to join?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows in surprise. „What's that look for? You think that body comes from laying around all day?" I glided with my hands over my curves and he bit in his bottom lip, pushed himself off and slowly walked towards me.

„I only thought you can't keep up with me...." he said with a low voice, while he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me towards him, „but now that I think about it. Why don't we do some sport together?" I smirked at him and he kissed me, but we were interrupted by Martha walking into the kitchen.

„Oh lord...." she gasped and while we literally jumped apart like two teenagers that had been caught kissing from their parents, a wide smile appeared on her face. „I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you two. Good morning!" She greeted us and while Marshall mumbled a „Yo, Martha!" and scratched the back of his neck in slight embarrassment, I straightened up and smiled at her.

„Good morning, Martha! Slept well?"

„Sweetie, I did...." she said with a wink and I chuckled.

„I'll... uhm.....I'll go then.... you know running..." Marshall started stammering and I had to do everything to not burst out laughing.

Why's he so embarrassed? She didn't walk in on us having sex....

„Christina, you wanna join me or nah?" I nodded and had to hurry behind him because he stormed out of the kitchen.

„Marshall!" I stopped him in the middle of the staircase by grabbing his wrist and he quickly yanked it free again, only to now take my hand and pull me behind him into his bedroom. „What...." I couldn't talk on because he pressed his lips on mine, kicked the door shut and walked me backwards while he started to undress me.


„You gonna tell me why you'd been so embarrassed earlier?" I asked after he'd basically tried to fuck my brain out and I watched him getting dressed.

„The fuck you talkin' about?"

„You know exactly what I'm talking about. The neck scratching, stammering...." I counted down with a smirk and he cutted me off.

„Yeah, I get it!"

„You know, actually I waited till your head would turn bright red." I kept going and he looked at me with squinted eyes and walked towards me before he pushed me back on the bed and crawled on top of me.

„If you talk on, I'll make sure that sexy ass of yours is bright red." He challenged seductively and I cocked an eyebrow and pursed my lips. „That's what I thought!" He kissed me and got off me again and I stood up too.

„I don't respond to threats, I just kept quiet so you wouldn't get embarrassed if you'd see my ass!" Before I could open the door to hurry out, I felt his hand crashing down on my butt with a loud slap! „Fuck!" I yelled out and he chuckled behind me, wrapped his arms around me and pulled my back against his chest.

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