Chapter twenty

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As promised I'd called Naina from Dallas airport while I'd hurried into the departure terminal. I really wasn't comfortable with just basically packing up and sneaking out, but that's how it was. I just had to go to Detroit to try to talk to Marshall in person and fix this mess.

This man is turning my whole life upside down!

I'd complained to Naina the whole time while I waited to get on my plane, about how weak I'd become because of him, how he made me chase after his ass and how terrible I felt that I'd just packed up and left Dez without even leaving a note. No matter how annoying he could've been, he was a great guy and didn't deserve for me to act like I had, but Naina calmed me; at least about this matter. She had talked to Dez and told him that I had a ‚family emergency' and therefore had to catch the next flight and the Cowboy had been very understanding. He asked her for an adress to send over the wardrobe and jewelry he had bought for me, also declined to take the money back and lastly asked her to please tell me to stay in contact with him. I felt even worse after I'd heard that...

As I've said, he's a great guy...

The flight to Detroit seemed never ending and when I'd finally made it outside the plane and airport and sat down in the back of a cab, I called Naina again.

„You landed?!" She answered her phone after the second ring and I took a deep breath.

„Yeah and I'm already in the cab."

„Good..." she breathed out and was shortly quiet. „Where you going to now?"

„Since it's Saturday he should be at home so that's where I go first and hope that he hasn't revoked my gate pass allowance, if he's not at home I'll try at the studio..."

„And if he's not there?" Nai cutted in and I fell quiet. „Chris, you know I'm not trying to take you down, but he's beyond pissed probably and we both know what men do when...."

„I know!" I cutted her off quietly, not wanting to hear what she was about to say. „He's not like this!"

Am I trying to convince her or myself?

„I'm just saying you should be prepared for everything, Chris..." she sighed and I did the same.

„If he's not at home or the studio, I'll get a hotel room and try the next two days to contact him and when he won't give me a chance to talk to him...." I stopped and swallowed hard before I said the next words, „Then I'll come back home and forget about him...."

„Easier said than done, bitch! You're crazy about this guy." Nai said back and I smiled sadly. „You want me to come over?"

That's a surprise!

„Thanks, Nai.....But I have to do this alone, you know?!" I sighed out.

„I know, but I'm here if you need me, don't you forget that, okay?!"

„I won't!" I promised her. „I love you, Nai."

„I love you too, Chris. Call me later, okay?!"

„Okay!" I agreed and we ended the call.

I leaned back in my seat to close my eyes a little in the weak attempt to calm my nerves. I knew it probably wouldn't be easy to get Marshall to talk to me and convince him that the whole situation wasn't as it seemed, since he was pretty stubborn. If Marshall Mathers was convinced about something, you'd have a veeery had time to change his opinion.

„Ma'am...." the driver snapped me out of my thoughts and I opened my eyes to see the guards in front of the gated community.

I searched through my handbag for my wallet, pulled the ID card out and handed it to the driver so he could show it to the security, while I said a silent prayer. I so hoped that I was still on Marshall's visitor list and while I'd held my breath while one of the guards checked the list, I exhaled in relief when he gave the driver my ID back and opened the gate.

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