12. |From Her|

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It was Monday morning and I looked forward to art class, mac and cheese for lunch and sending my letter to Flynn. After lunch, I walked to the field and found my way to the bleachers. There was already a crowd of soccer players and cheerleaders sitting there so I slowed my steps.

Jimmy, one of the soccer players who I tutored last year gave me a smile and a nod. I smiled and made my way to the blue brick.

As I placed it there, I caught the eyes of Michael Williams. Well, he was adamantly staring at me so more like I caught him staring at me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he looked away, but he had a small smile on his face. I shrugged it off and made my way back to lunch as I thought of my letter to Flynn:

Hey Flynn,

I'm so so so glad it all worked out for you. But if you fucking topple me to the ground like that again I'll personally carve you out and then feed you to the pigs. I'm already clumsy and I don't need unwanted bruises and then my mom asking me whether I'm harming myself or something (she's a drama queen). But hey at least now I know you are a brunette and probably 3 heads taller than me.

I couldn't find any candies for you, so here have some gum. Mind you, this is my last piece of gum, I have to go buy some today ughhh. Anyways, have a great week!

Small but evil Maya

Notes from Flynn Rider | #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now