4. |From Her|

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I placed my letter under the blue brick and made my way to the library. My reply to him was:

Hey there Mr Anonymous,

My hair reaches only to my knees, you should see my mother's, hers is till her ankles (yes the long hair is a family thing). So your problem number 1: bouts of depression. It's not uncommon, you just need to talk about it more. Why the need to pretend and why do you feel uncomfortable pretending? Maybe take a new look into your situation. If you want to change, do so gradually. I remember when I used to pretend to be friends with some people and one day I realized I didn't like them, they only brought me down. But I couldn't just unlatch myself from them suddenly. I took my time and started slipping away slowly and making more genuine friends. If you feel as though your friends are the problem you can always walk away. But if you feel as if you're the problem then you can ask yourself why you feel so. What's so different from the time you thought everything was going alright to now, when nothing seems right.

You remind me of Flynn Rider by the way, from Tangled - with the whole living a pretentious life. I hope this helped though, I'm always here to listen :)


I smiled, thinking maybe I can rewatch Tangled for the 200th something time when I get home.

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