Better Days: Part 1

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(I was so sad when I logged on and saw that my part didn't post. I am so sorry. I swore that it posted before. Sadly, that wasn't true. But I reposted this chapter the moment I realized. Enjoy!!😁😁)

I've seen better days than what happened on this day three years ago. Dad was on some mission overseas, Mom and I were living with grandma and grandpa at the time. The plan was to only live there for a month or two, until we found a house of our own. Mom was helping grandma cook lunch. Grandpa was sharpening his favorite dagger, explaining to me the appropriate ways to sharpen a blade. As if he's never taught me a million times before. Then the doorbell rang, grandpa asked me to see who was at the door. The moment I saw the two men standing there in uniforms and sorrow in their eyes, I knew something terrible had happened.

Mom and I held each other all night. And the next day, she put on a brave face. I think she was trying to be strong for me. But I heard her when she thought she was alone. She was devastated and angry at the world. Neither of us could get any sleep when we slept alone. So, we shared a bed for months. We ended up living with my grandparents longer than intended. Even though they had just lost their son, they we're some of my biggest rocks during everything.

I hiked a lot during that time. One adventure left me lost in the middle of nowhere. Even better, I fell into a sinkhole. But, that sinkhole lead to underground tunnels. After following the tunnels for hours, I spotted a weird box. It opened when I touched it, and inside, there was a pale white coin with gold around it. After passing out from exhaustion and waking up in my room, I realized I had special abilities and the coin I found, which I discovered would always come back to me, no matter what I did. I acquired armor that came out of my skin. And had no clue what I was for months, until I was watching the news one day and saw fighters with similar armor, Power Rangers. I did as much research as I could on them. And as I was busy with that and the rest of life, time started to pass quicker. Eventually, after we decided it was time, my grandparents helped us move out. Mom and I were officially living on our own.

Fast forward to now, and the date still leaves me feeling alone. Leaves me with sadness and anger. Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be my family that was torn? A crack shoots through the air and all eyes in the room shoot to the corner of the desk that I just broke in my hand.

"Ms. Y/L/N, want to tell me why you're breaking school property?"

I sigh, then look to the teacher, "There um, was a crack in the desk and I was seeing how weak the spot was."

She shakes her head, "Next time just leave it be. No more breaking desks in class, nor in detention this Saturday."

I groan in frustration then stand up a second later and whip the piece of desk into the trash across the room.

"Y/N," The teacher exclaims with an angry tone.

I just throw my backpack on and walk toward the door, "Just add another Saturday. I don't care," then I walk out. Before I make it far, the door opens again and I hear footsteps quickly coming toward me.

"Y/n, what's going on," Tommy says as he stops in front of me, "What happened back there? That wasn't you."

I glare at him, "Get out of my way, Tommy. I cant do this right now."

"No. I'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong. Let me help fix it."

"It can't be fixed!"

"Guys, what's going on," we turn and see Billy.

Tommy speaks up trying to explain, but I use him distracted to my advantage. A second later I strike him, knocking him out cold. Billy catches him before he hits he floor. I look at him, "I'm sorry to you both. But I need to be left alone. I'll be training, if a REAL emergency comes up, come get me. But only if its important."

Trini's POV-

My phone kept going off during class, and wouldn't stop. I didn't have a good feeling about it at all, so I asked to use the bathroom. When I'm finally there I pull out my phone to see a string of messages from the rangers.

BabyBlue☺️- Guys something's wrong with Y/N. She and Tommy were arguing in the Hall, then when I walked up, she knocked him out and left.

RangerDad✌️- Where are you guys now? Is Tommy ok?

Z-man👊- Damn. Must've been some hit.

Princess👑- Zack! This is serious! Billy, where did she go?

BabyBlue☺️- Tommy and I are in the nurse's office. He just woke up a bit ago. He's not happy that the nurse won't let him leave yet. And Y/n went to train. She said not to bother her unless it was an emergency.

Shark bait🦈- She was quiet all day and then she broke off a corner of a desk in class. And after she stormed out from being yelled at, I went to see what was wrong. But that just mad it worse.

RangerDad✌️- Does anyone know what's up with her?

Princess👑- No clue. She was fine yesterday.

What's going on? Y/n is never like this. If there's something wrong, it's gotta be major. After a sigh, I shake my head, then reply.

CrazyGirl😈- I'll head to the training cave and talk to her.

Z-man👊- You really are a crazy girl.

SharkBait🦈- I think if anyone can talk some sense into her, it's Trini.

Princess👑-I agree with Tommy.

BabyBlue☺️- Be careful, Trini.

RangerDad✌️- Well, she IS your girlfriend. Makes sense.


Princess👑- Your what?! And you didn't tell me?!

Z-man👊- Tommy owes me $20.

BabyBlue ☺️- I'm happy for you two, Trini.

SharkBait🦈- Damn.

RangerDad✌️- Oops...

CrazyGirl 😈- Whatever, Jason. Just have fun explaining that you're Y/n's long lost twin✌️


I roll my eyes and put my phone away. This day is only just beginning, I feel.

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