Under Stars and Under Attack

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"Hey, Mom, do you know where I set my machete and hatchet at?"

She comes into my room with both in hand, they were still in that box in the garage."

I grab them from her, "Thanks mom."

"You know, Y/n, you should really unpack that box soon."

I zip my backpack, "I know, I just have been busier than I was when we first got here. But I promise that I'll get it done. I grabbed the letter from it though. But, I'm not sure I'm ready to read it yet."

She just gives me a soft smile, "Well, I've always been honest with you about your birth parents. And I won't pressure you into anything. Once you're ready to read it, you will. And I will be here to answer any questions you have about them."

I just give her a hug, "Thank you, mom. For everything."

There's a knock on the door and my mom goes to get it. I put my back pack on as I hear my mom tell me that my friends are here and ready to go. I walk up to her and she hands me the keys to the truck, reminding me to be careful. I thank her and kiss her forehead as I say goodbye. We all put our stuff in the bed of the truck, then seven of us pile in the truck, us three girls in the front, while the four boys squish together in the back. Kimberly took over the radio and everyone was just singing a lot. I kept focus on the road, with one hand in my lap, and one hand on the steering wheel. I hear a window open and look in my driver's side mirror to see Zack sticking his head out the window. I just laugh and shake my head. I feel something touch my hand, I glance down to see Trini intertwining our fingers. A smile makes its way onto my face and I just pay attention to the road. About 15 minutes later, we finally make it to the spot that Tommy and I found a week or so back. We all get out and stretch, breathing in the fall air.

"Alright, let's get these tents set up."

I walk to the back and open the tailgate. Everyone grabs their tents and set them up. I put mine up rather fast, due to the many times I've put it up in the past. I go to the truck and grab my bedding and other supplies and set up the inside of my tent. I take my hatchet out of my bag and step out of my tent, "I'll be back. I'm gonna get some wood for a fire."

 They all mutter ok's and be careful's, and I head off into the woods. Cutting the wood doesn't take more than an hour or so. I unroll the sack I brought, and load it up. The walk back seems to take less time, than the walk out, but I guess that's a good thing. When I get back I notice they've made a fire pit and set up a couple chairs around it. With sunset already started, I start setting up the wood for the fire.

"It's about time you got back."

"Patience was never your greatest virtue, Tommy," I mess with him a bit.

"Maybe not, but one thing that I do bring to the table is boos... and kicking your ass."

Before I know it, I'm tackled. I push him off and we both stand up, facing each other ready for the other. I remember the hatchet in my hand and tell him to wait. I throw the hatchet at the tree next to my tent, then turn back to Tommy and nod for him to continue. He goes for a low hit to the gut, but I quickly grab his hand and twist it behind him. He jumps and kicks me, causing me to drop his hand. I misjudge a blow and he easily grabs a hold of me and flips me on my back. I cough because he knocked the wind out of me.

"Tommy, be careful," Zack yells at him.

"Shit, Tommy, you know how strong you are, you gotta be careful," Kim says as she kneels down next to me.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. Are you ok," I hear the worry in his voice.

I shake my head, "Don't worry about me. I've had worse. I've had my ass handed to me by an alien before."

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