You're Stupid

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"You're an idiot. You know that, right," Trini says.


"Y/n. Look at where we are right now. I'm literally patching you up, because you snuck into my room. And you already know what happens when people sneak up on me."

We both laughed at that before silence settles between us. As she uses a cloth to patch up my wound. It had started to bleed a bit from being thrown around. She does so with so much tenderness. As though shes afraid she'll make it worse. Her eyes tell a story of sleepless nights and tears shed. I wish that it wasn't so. She's an unexpected angel stuck in this world. An angel that could kick your ass, that's for sure.

"Staring is rude, you know."

I blush because I've been caught, "Yeah, well, too late now."

She shakes her head and puts the sweat shirt back down, "You should be all good, for now."

"Thanks, Trin."

Another silence fell over us. I'm sitting on her bed and she's kneeling between my legs still. And I notice Trini's upset facial expression. Her hands ball into fists on my legs. Her eyes are squeezed shut, I know she's just trying to fight back the pain that they'd reveal. I can't help but wonder what she's thinking. I reach down and caress her face in my hand.

"You're so stupid," she opens her eyes, exposing the tears and pain she once hid, "You are so so stupid."


"What were you thinking? You could've died. You DID die! I fucking lost you! And- what if- if it had been permanent?! Y/n.. what if you were gone for good...?"

"Hey, hey," I use both hands to wipe her tears, "Trini, hey.. It's ok. I'm here."

By this time, I'm holding her in my lap. She's so broken right now, I did this. God, I never want to do this to her again. She buries her head in my neck and says, "What if you didn't come back?"

"I almost didn't."

I feel her stiffen up at the comment.

"I came back because you."

She sits up to look at me, "You what?"

"I almost crossed over and left this life behind. But I heard you, Trin. I heard you call out for me. And I remembered that I had my whole life ahead of me. A life that I want to spend with you and the others by my side. But most of all, I couldn't leave you."

For the first time in a while, a small smile takes home on her face, "You came back for me."

I nod, "I'd do it again every time."

She wipes the last reminiscence of tears then kisses my cheek, "You're still stupid though."

I laugh at that, "I know, princesa. I know."

I feel her gripping the red sweatshirt, "It's like you're here, but my mind isn't believing it."

I think of a way to help and come up with something. Might be weird, but it's something. I reach for the bottom of the shirt and pull it over my head. The only thing covering me is the sports bra and the patch over my wound. She gives me a questioning look, but I gently grab her hand and set it over my heart, "You feel that?"

She nods, "Yeah. It's beating so fast."

I chuckle, "Yeah, usually does when I'm around you. But, Trin," I take a breath, "That's my proof to you that I'm here. You can hear me. You can feel me. You can feel my heart beating. In a way.. it's literally beating for you. I'm here. I'm right here, with you."

I pull her to lay down together under the blankets. She places her hand back to its previous position and lays her head on my chest, "I can hear it."

I run my fingers through her hair, "I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere, Trini. I promise."

"I'm sleepy."

"Then go back to sleep, princesa."

She let's out a yawn, "Goodnight, Y/n."

"Sweet dreams, beautiful."

"Hey, Y/..."


"You're still stupid."

"Yeah, "I laugh a bit, "I guess I am."

And I held her and felt her body relax. This woman has become the sole purpose for me being alive. She needs to know just how amazing she is. And I won't stop telling her for as long as I'm still here. I know we are young, but there's something about the small latina in my arms that tells me, we'll be around each other for a long time. I look at her to see she's completely relaxed and her breathing has evened out. And the feeling that overcomes me is undeniable. I let out a tired sigh, "I think I falling in love with you, princesa."

After a couple minutes, sleep takes over, and I'm pulled into a dream world full of scenarios of a life shared with a certain small latina.

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