Dress Up

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You don't expect things to turn out the way. Like how I wasn't expecting to become so close to the rangers. Especially Trini and Kim. The three of us hang out the most. But I do hang out with the four others. Jason and I work on his truck quite a bit. He told me about the stupid decision he made that caused him to wreck the truck. He became almost the brother I never had. Once we started to hang out, we just kind of clicked. Zack introduced me to his mother. She's a sweetheart. He was worried about there being a language barrier, but little did he know, I know like 80 different languages. Ok, not 80, but enough. Billy and I would work on new tech. We learned a lot from each other. And I may or may not have taught him a couple military hacking trick my dad taught me. Even Tommy and I spent time together. Both of us knowing different fighting styles, we would teach each other different techniques. I also found out that he has a decent sense of humor and we can never be serious around each other. The seven of us were rarely seen alone. We were always with at least one other person in the group. Of course, they don't know about my being a ranger, or that I know that they are rangers. So, there are times where I am by myself. But time flew by so fast, we're already almost through the second month of the school year. And today was Halloween. Which means one thing... costumes.

The school allowed the students to dress up. I grabbed my outfit for the day. I shake my head and laugh at myself, there's actual color in my outfit today. I put on a pair of black jeans and a yellow power ranger shirt. I laughed at my reflection, color is not something I'm used to wearing. I just grab my backpack and head down stairs. I walk passed my mom and tell her goodbye.

I got to school and something felt off, but once the sounds of the halls hit, I shook it off. But not for long. Right as I put my stuff in my locker, a pink body smashes a window and crashes into the lockers a few feet away from me. Shit, that looked like it hurt. Other kids and a janitor backed up and one of those aliens, from the night at the club, jumps through the window and lands in front of Kim. He kicks her down as she tries to get up. I really can't just sit here and do nothing. He goes to kick her again, but I run and jump at him, kicking him with both legs. I land on the ground, but push myself up quickly. I pick up the pink ranger and set her against the locker. The alien gets off the ground and charges at me not even a second later. I grab the broom that the janitor dropped and break it. I put it in front of my just in time, the alien skewers itself. I let go of the broken handle and the alien falls and disappears. Another ranger jumps through the window and lands passed me, next to Kim. The yellow ranger checks Kim to make sure she's ok.

"Yeah, thanks to her."

Trini turns to me, "Thank you," She glances at my shirt, "Nice shirt."

Another alien lands next to me and catches me off guard. Before I know it, I'm thrown against the locker. He picks me up and decks me, causing me to fall. But before he lands another hit, Trini throws him out the window and her and the pink ranger follow. I go to smile, but a pain shoots through the side of my face. One of the teachers takes me to the nurses office and gets me an icepack. I give a quick thanks as she leaves. I set the ice pack on my face and not one second later, an angry looking Jason bursts into the office, "What the hell were you thinking?! You could've gotten hurt!"

"Jason, I had no choice. If you had seen-"

"I don't care. You aren't one of them, Y/n. If anything would've happened to you-"

"Hey, don't talk like that. I'm right here. Look on the bright side. I kicked an alien's ass today."

"Yeah, and got your ass handed to you by another."

We both burst out laughing and the others walk in wondering what happened. Jason and I look at them, then back to each other and start laughing again. After I got lectures from the rest of them, we decided it was time to head to class. Trini walks with me to my locker, "So, yellow ranger, huh?"

I look down at my shirt, then to her, "Yeah. She's pretty cool."

She smiles at that, "Well, I'm sure she was thankful you helped her ranger friend."

I shrug, "Well, I'd do it again in a heart beat."

I then notice that she's wearing a white hoodie, "And what are you supposed to be today? Me?"

She laughs a bit, "Well, I wasn't really anything, but sure, that can work."

"Damn... That is scary."

She laughs and playfully pushes me.

"Careful, I just had an unfortunate encounter with an alien today."

"No, you're just a baby."

I fake offense and she just laughs and we head to class.

Power Rangers: White RangersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon