Yellow Again

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I know for a fact that I shouldn't be doing this. I could really into trouble. I may or may not have overheard Zack and Jason talking about going somewhere after school with the rest of the rangers, and I got VERY curious and I decided that I would follow them. I watched them hide and morph, always an interesting thing to see. It's weird to think that I do the same thing. Which I ended up doing as well. I made sure I kept a safe distance from them so they wouldn't know that I was following them. Sadly, yellow still wasn't with them. They suddenly took off running and I tried to keep up with them, but I lost them and just ended up at a cliff and with them nowhere in sight. Where the heck did they go? I hear running behind me, but the moment I turn around, I see a flash of pink and suddenly we are both falling down this crater. We splash down in some water and black joins her and forces me further under. The hell are these two trying to do?! And just as fast as I entered, I'm out of the water again and I am pinned to the ground. I go to move, but I look up and see red with some sort of blade in my face, "I wouldn't advice that."

I push the two other rangers and use my sword to knock his out of my face. I stand up and take a defensive stance, ready for their next move. They are about to come towards me, but we all stop when we hear a voice.

"Wait," they turn around and I look behind them and see Trini in her street clothes. Thank goodness, she's ok.

"What do you mean 'wait'? She's the one who attacked you, now you're defending her?"

"No, Zack, she didn't attack me. She saved me."

I sheath my weapon as she walks up to me. She gets really close and looks up at me, "Who are you?"

I lift up my hand and stroke her cheek, "Closer than you know, dear yellow."

I jump up and out to the top of the cliff. I instantly head home and climb through my window once I found a safe place to morph back. I lay on my bed and realize how tired I actually am. I fall asleep with my last thoughts being about a certain yellow ranger.

The next couple weeks I kept getting closer to both girls. I haven't really had the opportunity to meet the boys. They usually show up after Trin and I sit down in detention. But today was a tad different as it was another wonderful Saturday. And honestly, I think I'm the luckiest person in the world, because my mother actually believes me when I tell her what happened. And she says that if I don't want to fight it, then just to deal with the punishment. I walked down the stairs and see a short girl wearing a certain denim jacket. One I specifically remember giving to her friend. I jump behind her and say her name and scare her. Which ends up with me on the floor. She realizes what she did and instantly goes to help me, "Shit, Y/n, I didn't realize it was you."

I stand up and brush off my white pants and jacket, "No, it's ok. Nice change to my perspective. Now I know what it's like for you to be taller than me for once."

She laughs and pushes me, a little harder than I think she intended to. I trip over her backpack and end up on my back again. She just starts laughing harder and I hear a second laugh and notice Kim is also there.

She walks up to Trin and looks at me, "Careful, Trini, you might hurt her badass reputation."

"That is where the joke is on you, " I point to Kim, "you little pink butterfly, you. I actually like floor."

"Yeah, sure you do, I'm sure that's how you keep your clothes impeccably white, right," Trini jokes.

I chuckle a bit, "Shh, you'll give away my secret! Well, that, and bleach."

"Trini, what did you do to the new girl," Zack's voice comes in.

I look up at him and notice the other boys with him. I stick my hand out, "Resident new girl, also occasionally called by her name, Y/n."

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