Chapter Thirty-Five

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Spencer missed the times when the middle of the day was the perfect time to get something done under the radar. Before he'd left, the most activity he'd seen during the daytime was from those on day shifts at Tanner security, staring at computer screens. Or from Heather, curled up in an armchair typing away on her laptop. There would always be the occasional person in the corridors, but since he had been back, Spencer had seen as much activity during the day as he did during the night.

Up until that morning, Spencer would have said that it was because more and more daykeepers were living within the house. First, so he had heard, was Priya, the werewolf he had once shared bartending duties with, before he'd been turned that was. Now, Carson and Edeline were also staying in the house, not that Spencer had been allowed to see them. No, it was only Edeline that Spencer was not allowed near. August had been keeping a close eye on him ever since she had walked through the door.

From the moment August had bolted from his room to the dulcet tones of William howling bloody murder in the foyer, Spencer had been hovering by the door, one hand on the handle as he wondered whether he had time to do what was needed. He felt like a teenager again, trying to sneak a quick cigarette before his parents got home from work. Every minute hovering behind the door was a minute lost, and yet he had stayed there, fearing getting caught and also knowing he could have had three cigarettes in the time he'd waited to make sure they wouldn't be coming home.

This time, Spencer didn't wait too long before he slipped into the corridor, closing the door quietly behind him. He hurried along the corridor, only pausing when he reached the door he'd been expressly forbidden from going to.

Only, once he stood outside that door, Spencer found he could not knock. He hesitated in front of the door, shuffling his feet for a full thirty seconds before he turned and walked back down to the other end of the corridor, scolding himself all the while. Crossing his arms over his chest, he raked his nails down his arms, digging into the flesh. He could hear William's fury at his pain. He could hear August giving orders, even. No one would be coming up here, at least nobody who knew Spencer was not to be near that door.

Spencer marched to the door, lifted his fist to knock, and chickened out again. Huffing to himself, he shook his head, staring at the curtain covered window at the end of the hall. He stormed back to his bedroom door, his hand already on the handle. Letting out a heavy breath, Spencer turned around, his eyes widening.

She stood in the doorway, shoulder resting against the frame. Giving him a look of quiet expectation, she drummed her fingers against her thigh.

"Were you ever going to knock?" she asked.

Spencer gulped, and he was sure that, had he still been living and all bodily systems functional, his palms would be sweating already. He glanced over his shoulder, back towards the stairs. From her place in the doorway, Edeline chuckled.

"You have time to smoke, Spencer."

Licking his bottom lip, Spencer nodded, self-consciously wiping his hands on the sides of his trousers. He took another look back towards the stairs before walking down the corridor towards her.

"I wouldn't want people listening in either," she said, stepping back and holding the door open. "Though I have a feeling that they will be busy for quite a while yet."

"Is William okay?"

"Always teach children the importance of sunblock." Edeline tilted her head to the side and smiled gently. "He will be fine. Perhaps tender for a day or so. He took a great risk in going outside."

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