Chapter Forty-Seven

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"Spencer's awake."

Carson checked his bag once again to ensure he had everything as Edeline took a seat on the end of the bed, watching him.

"That's good news," he said.

Edeline nodded and patted the bed beside her.

"You have something to talk to me about."

Rolling his eyes, Carson declined the invitation by crossing his arms over his chest and remaining where he was.

"Good God, woman, will you ever stop sneaking into my thoughts?"

"I resent that," she replied. "If you must know, I heard it from Priya. She was practically giddy."

Carson groaned.

"I don't want to know."

"No, you really don't."

Shaking his head, Carson went back to his bag. He'd already unpacked it and rearranged things once already, but what if his passport wasn't where it should be when he needed it? He bent over and pulled out the selection of shirts he'd collected from his apartment.

Edeline got to her feet and rounded the bed to stand beside him. She was about to brush him out of the way, her hand already on the crook of his arm, when she paused.

"What is it?" he asked.

Reaching into the bag, her fingers brushed against the sweatshirt of his that she had worn non-stop while hiding in his apartment.

"You brought it."

Carson could feel the hot pulse of a blush rising into his cheeks. He felt slightly ridiculous that he still blushed at his age.

"Well, I was hoping..."

"Of course I want to go," she said.

"We don't need to stay with them. We'll get somewhere further away, keep our distance, just... close enough that Priya is around."

Edeline gathered the sweatshirt to her chest, breathing in the scent of it. It smelled more of her than it did him, these days, at least to him.

"It's okay," she said softly. "We can stay with them if it's easier."

"But, Spencer? Are you sure?"

Edeline replaced the sweatshirt carefully in the bag and turned to him.

"You leave Spencer to me."

"Are you—"

Pushing up onto her tiptoes, she kissed his cheek.

"August is laying the ground work as we speak. Leave the rest to me."

She beamed at him in a way that made it impossible to argue with her. Tapping her hand against his chest, she twirled away from him and danced out of the room.

"Costa Rica!" she called back.

Carson laughed. The vampires would never agree to somewhere so close to the equator where the nights would be short. Even Carson wasn't that fond of the idea of his full moons being shortened so drastically. But, as he returned to reorganising his bag, he promised that he would take Edeline on as many holidays as she desired, to every place either of them had ever wanted to go.


"This would have been much easier if you'd just let me carry you," August complained as he adjusted his grip on Spencer's waist and manoeuvred them carefully through the doorway.

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