Chapter Five

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August watched her weave through the tables towards him. She attracted a moderate amount of attention, and more than one smile was thrown her way. Paige smiled in return, a polite and warm flicker before her gaze fixed elsewhere. She'd been a barista before he and Spencer had taken their parts in turning her, and it was clear that she had the right temperament for it. She exuded warmth and caring.

Instead of taking the seat beside him on the couch, Paige handed him his beer and sat on the armrest, turning and propping her feet on the cushions. August's gaze trailed from her knees and down to the maroon pixie boots, heels making indents in the cushion. His lips pursed, and Paige huffed, sliding down from the arm to sit beside him.

"I still don't see why Thomas couldn't come," she said. She sipped her own beer and crossed one leg over the other, angling her body away from him.

"I wanted to spend some time with my sired, is that a crime?"

Glancing at him, she rolled her eyes.

"No, but it's a first."

Twisting his body towards her, August spread his arm across the back of the couch. The ends of her hair, tied up in a ponytail, swept across the back of his hand as she shook her head, lifting the beer to her lips and tipping her head back to take a sip. She rested the bottle on her knee and looked around the bar, anywhere but at him. August leaned a little closer to her.

"How are you finding your new life, Paige?"

Though he had told William that he would eat and keep his agitation at bay, he had no intention of ending the night early. William had been right in one regard, Paige needed him, and he needed her. Of course, he doubted that her needs reflected his own, she had Thomas after all. She had a host of new friends, and he'd already learned that his sired had quickly become popular within their group.

"Why do you care?" she asked, still not looking at him. "You've not asked Thomas how he's doing."

August huffed out a breath through his nose and drank a mouthful of his beer. He held the liquid on his tongue, letting the tastes dance through his mouth. Even if he'd felt the real inclination to feed, he'd not had any hints that there would be someone worth making the effort for in this bar. He'd known from the moment he'd walked in. Perhaps Paige took longer to figure it out.

"I have not turned another person in almost a century. The connection I feel to you is very different to any other in that house, surely you understand why I would want to ensure you are doing well."

"Because you've tried so hard."

"I would like you to be happy, my dear," he said. "And if seeing to Thomas' wellbeing will do that, then, of course, he may come along next time."

Paige looked at him, her eyes narrowed but surprise lurking behind her dark lashes. She uncrossed her legs, turning towards him.

"Really? You'll help him?"

"If you wish it, yes."

Her shoulders slumped as she exhaled, and the frosty reception she had given him began to thaw, the smallest curve of a smile coming to her. She drank a little of her beer and rested the bottle between them, fingers dancing against the neck.

"So, how have you been finding things?" he asked again.

"I don't know," she said, gazing down at the mouth of the bottle. "I mean, everyone is nice to me, and they've been helping me adjust. Heather even asked me to help with her social media stuff for her books, like an assistant, I guess. It's nice having something to do again."

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