Chapter Forty-One

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I know I usually do these at the end, but I wanted to put in a quick warning. During this chapter, there is the use of a homophobic slur. It is used once in the course of dialogue. To any who find this offensive, you may decide it is best to stop reading, and I completely understand and apologise for any offence caused. Know I did not use this term lightly, and a lot of consideration has gone into whether to use it or not. 
I would appreciate feedback at the end of this chapter.  

On to the chapter...

Carson jumped out of the van, landing on four paws on the gravel of the courtyard. He sniffed the air, nose wrinkling as the heavy scent of blood coated the inside of his nostrils. Usually, the smell would have had him salivating, excited for the kill, but not tonight. The blood was too familiar, and too tempting. It was a meal from his favourite restaurant before realising he'd been barred from going there again. It was better not to even consider it.

She looked down at him, a timid smile coming to her as she quickly hid her wrist behind her back. She had wrapped it again, but it didn't take the scent from the air.

Priya jumped down beside him. She circled the van, a greyhound making a lightning circuit of a track. But the vampires had already gone. Carson looked up at Edeline. He cocked his head to the side, questioning. She heard his thoughts as easily as when he were human.

"They left me behind," she said. "Can move faster. August wants me to stay here."

Carson huffed an annoyed snort through his nose.

"I know, but maybe they're right," she said. "I'll be a distraction."

A dark figure streaked past them, and Carson realised that Priya had heard them. She had heard Edeline, at least. While their connection was much stronger in wolf form, she still couldn't read his thoughts, and with Edeline's blood slowly leaving his system, he could only hear others when they practically screamed within their heads.

Without a second thought, Edeline offered her wrist. Carson leapt back, flattening himself to the ground, and shook his head.

She crept closer, this time offering her uninjured hand. Back up onto his paws, Carson sniffed her hand. His tongue flicked out, just tickling the ends of her fingers. She laughed in mock disgust and then placed both hands on the side of his face, fingers buried in his fur.

Leaning down, Edeline pressed her forehead to his. Her lips pressed against the top of his muzzle, and she stared into his eyes, so close that her face was blurry.

"Come back for me," she whispered.

A gentle confirming rumble bubbled up from his chest and slipped past his teeth. She kissed between his eyes, and then jumped up into the van.

Carson leapt over the fence in a single bound and shot across the field after Priya, after the vampires, and after the rest of his pack.


The vampires were not difficult to track, and he knew they probably felt the same about the pack. He ran through the trees, the moon lending an easy glow between the bare branches.
The ground was frozen beneath his paws, not leaving much to follow. The scent of the pack was all around him, clinging to nature in their regular hunting grounds. Carson focussed on the vampires, on following their scent, and privately prayed that Priya had lost the trail.

As for the rest of him, Carson didn't know what he wanted. A part of him hoped that Kaleb had ignored his experience with the vampires and had tried to run. They would never outrun the vampires, not until sunrise, but it would split the pack up, it would limit the casualties. On the other hand, Vince was his family. He should want this to be as bloody a fight as possible for the vampires. Three months ago, he wanted to wipe them out entirely, or at least get them out of the city. But now? The knowledge that Caine and Spencer planned on leaving as soon as this was done tugged at him in a way he'd not experienced in a long time.

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