Chapter Eleven

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August disconnected the call and locked the screen of his phone. He tucked the device into his pocket and turned around. William will still sat in that god-awful chair Charles had liked so much, his feet propped up on the desk. A collection of trinkets were strewn across the desk, and William was turning one over in his hands, though he watched August with a keen interest. He'd probably been listening in on every word of the call with the Werewolf Alpha, but he merely cocked his head to the side, waiting.

"Get Thomas," August said. "The wolves have decided to move forwards on the plan."

"Might I remind you that we don't have a defective wolf to transfer in to," he said, waving the spindly contraption idly.

"Might I remind you that if you keep calling the boy 'defective', I won't be able to stop them from attempting to rip you limb from over-sized limb, Will. But, terminology aside, I'm working on it."

William laughed. He took the spindly thing between his fingers and thumbs, and snapped it as easily as a chicken bone. August groaned and rolled his eyes. He wasn't sure what the contraption was, but he was sure some museum would probably have paid good money for it... in working condition.

"I wouldn't mind having a go at one of those wolves," William said, dropping the broken pieces onto the desk and picking up the next object. "Adam was an idiot, but the idea was sound. I want a good fight, not had one in ages."

"The female is still staying here, you could ask her when she returns," August replied dully.

William scoffed and shook his head.

"No, not her, she's too cute to tear apart. Not exactly a good fight. No, I want to take on one of the big ones, like the Alpha. That'd be something worth betting a few bucks on."

"I didn't peg you for beastiality, Will, but let's put a pin in it for now, shall we?"

Rolling his eyes, William bent his leg and used the new instrument in his hand to pick at the stones wedged into the tread of his boots. August stepped forwards and snatched it from him, handing him the broken one before replacing the sellable item back on the desk.

"Okay, so you have a plan to get the kid? What you going to do?"

"Why don't you stop working your tiny brain and use the gifts you actually have," August said. "Ensure the rest are doing their jobs, talk to Thomas, and send Paige to me."

William huffed and lifted his boots from the desk. He got to his feet and rounded to August, giving him a sarcastic grin.

"If you wanted me to use my gifts, you'd give me your old position." He paused for a moment, considering it. "I wouldn't even need the chainsaw."

"Well, the next time we are in need of dismemberment, I will know who to call, won't I? Paige, please, Will. Send her to Spencer's room."

August caught the suspicious look William threw in his direction, but he ignored it, waiting until the brute had preceded him down the stairs before he locked the door behind him and followed. Where William continued down to the ground floor, August set off across the first floor to the door near the end of the corridor. He paused, a loose grip on the handle, letting out a few breaths before he opened the door and went inside.

It was dark in the room, but August didn't flip the switch. Most of his visits to the younger vampire's room had been shrouded in darkness, though usually because the curtains were pulled and blocking the daylight. He knew his way around this room almost as well as he knew his own.

The bed was covered with cornflower blue sheets, the pillow on the right of the bed dented and more flattened than the other. The laundry basket had half a trouser-leg hanging over the top. The bottom drawer on the dresser was still partially open from when Spencer had grabbed his things.

On the wall behind the door, the pin board was still there, every photo still in place. He peered at them through the gloom. There was a photo of Spencer with practically every member of the house. Thomas and Paige were not up there, nor was William, now he looked closer. Then again, William had never been one to pose for photos in clubs and bars. Even his own face stared down at him, dour and mid-eye-roll next to Spencer's grin. He had other photos of the two of them, but this one had been the one on public display. August went to the bedside table and yanked open the drawer, rifling through the contents before shoving it closed. They weren't there either. His heart, had it been beating properly, would have sped as he wondered if Spencer had taken them with him, despite how angry he'd been.

He sat on the edge of the bed, lifting the squashed pillow and holding it up in front of his face. He'd ordered that nobody interfere with Spencer's bedroom, but after three months he couldn't be sure whether they would have held to it this long. But when he inhaled, it was Spencer's scent on the pillowcase, not masked by detergent and only just coming through from the pillow beneath, but strong and clear and so familiar.

"I didn't think you were the sentimental type."

August dropped the pillow into his lap and twisted to look over his shoulder. Paige stood in the doorway, a thoughtful smile playing on her pretty face. He flung the pillow to her, and she caught it with ease.

"Familiarise yourself with it. Spencer is close, and we don't want to miss an opportunity to find him."

Paige paused, glancing between August and the pillow. She came further into the room and closed the door softly behind her.

"But William just said we were trying to get Vince: that the werewolves agreed to Thomas's plan."

"The werewolf will keep the rest of them busy," he said. "I am putting my efforts into finding Spencer. I want him back, do you understand? Spencer is the only one I care about."

When he looked back, Paige was staring down at the pillow, her lips pursed and her eyes practically brimming. A recent-feed blush coloured her cheeks, and she hugged the pillow a little tighter to her. August jumped to his feet, rounding the bed to her. Taking the pillow from her hugging arms, he tossed it carelessly onto the bed behind him. He cupped her face and lifted her embarrassed and sombre face to his. Leaning in, he kissed her forehead.

"My dearest," he murmured. "I did not mean it like you think. I only meant that I care about Spencer above the werewolf and the girl."

She didn't look like she believed him. Her nod was too stiff, her gaze flickering away from his too often. August gave her a viciously dark grin.

"I would kill a hundred Vince's to protect you, my Lady," he said. "I would paint entire towns red and watch you dance."

Despite the caution in her eyes, Paige smiled.

"What do you need me to do?"

"I want you to get dressed up," he said, beaming. "Whole nines, okay? You and I are hitting the town. If I know Spencer, and I do, he won't be able to resist."

Not much to say other than, I hope you enjoyed this one, and see you next week.

Oh, and remember to vote and comment.

Enjoy the read.

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