Chapter 1

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She was the new girl. A nobody to the Brotherhood. Someone who was just...another civilian. A outsider. But when she showed up on Elder Maxson's doorstep with Paladin Danse escorting her, something changed. The knights inside the walls of the Boston Airport gave her looks, as if having Paladin Danse leading her to the Prydwen was some sort of honor. Maybe it was. To Alyssa, doing what she needed to gain access to the inside of the Prydwen just meant another step towards uncovering the Institute and the truth of what happened to her son.

It's been about a year now since the Brotherhood took her in as a knight. Not only has she been doing countless missions for the Elder, but has been dragging Paladin Danse through the Commonwealth on her own time. Lately, however, the Elder has been finding it...difficult to watch her go out into the wasteland and risk her life over and over again for people that would never do it for her.

It was Wednesday. The last Wednesday of October in the year 2288 to be exact. The anniversary of the day the bombs fell. The day that her son was taken. The day her...husband died. She retreated from everyone today, including Paladin Danse. They let her be, of course. Knowing what she had gone through. However, Elder Maxson saw different.

Alyssa sighed sitting at the back of the abandoned airport building. Even after all these months, she still kept the outfit she had stolen from Kellogg. Using it for herself as a matter of fact. Maybe it served as some kind of reminder. She didn't quite know why she kept it.

Kellogg's outfit had been removed and she was sitting at the bay side in nothing but a black tank top and shorts. Her shoes and socks were sitting beside her other belongings as she allowed the gentle waves to hit her feet.


It was the voice of the Elder. The Elder that never came off the Prydwen. The Elder that never seemed to care about newbies. The Elder that had no reason to ask her about anything not Brotherhood related.

Alyssa took a look towards the Elder before sighing then looking back out towards the water. She knew the truth was out the...somewhere. The truth to the Institute. The truth on how to get her son back. The truth on why...why the people of the Institute killed her husband.

"Elder..." Alyssa spoke softly, yet having a tone as if she didn't want anything to do with him at the moment. The Elder grabbed a old tire that had washed upon shore before moving it beside her. He took a seat on it before folding his hands together and looking out at the ocean, same as she did. "Knight-"

"Elder Maxson, for once...please don't call me knight anything. Just...Alyssa."

The Elder sighed then started to speak once again. "Okay...Alyssa then. You're a woman of few words."

"And that's a problem, why? According to the others around here it's shut your mouth and do what you're told. And since you're my lead to the Institute...I don't much feel like getting kicked off so, yeah. Anything else you want to ask me?"

Maxson released a sigh then looked towards her. "It's...rough. Losing people you love...especially to the ghosts of the Commonwealth."

"Look, if you're looking to give me a lecture right now, I'm going to stop you right there. What on Earth have you lost? It seems you've gained more then lost."

"My mother. Countless Brotherhood initiatives-"

"Wooow. Congrats, Elder. Do you want a sob party?"


"You have something-" Alyssa stood up from her spot on the sandy shores then turned towards the Elder. "I have absolutely nothing left, Arthur. I lost my family, my home, my friends, and my whole damn world!"

Her voice echoed through the silence that fell around them. The airport was quiet, it always was around this time of day. It was nearing 7Pm. The sun was starting to be replaced with the moon and the blue sky was beginning to become covered in darkness and white dots.

The Elder went to say something but closed his mouth. What could he say? She was right. He knew it. She really did have nothing. Everything was taken from her before she had the chance to say goodbye.

"Alyssa...I'm sorry."

Sorry. That was something that was never heard from the Elder. A very rare occurrence throughout the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood had a duty to the Commonwealth which left no space for sob stories and sympathy.

"You're...what?" Alyssa became confused. Sure she's heard him say it...once. But him saying it to her? To the newbie?

"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry...for everything you've gone through. It's tough...and honestly I don't know what I'd do if it were me."

Alyssa didn't know what to do besides sit down. Her toes connected with the somewhat cold water, which felt warm upon the touch. Arthur moved his rubber seat closer towards her before he removed his leather fur jacket then placed it around her shoulders. Her eyes widened for a second, but without hesitation, she pulled the jacket closer against the body and held it there for warmth.

"Thanks..." She mumbled, releasing a sigh. "You're being...weird."

Arthur gave a shrug then adjusted the black long sleeve shirt with a hum. "You looked cold. I mean...It's the least I can do..."

Alyssa gave a light laugh before she smelled the jacket. It smelt of whiskey, cigarettes, and... "Is this...lavender?"

" It's just..." The Elder sighed then gave a chuckle. "I got some candles from the Citadel as a gift...They're relaxing."

She smiled a bit then slipped her arms through the sleeves of the jacket and held it closer. "Thank you...Arthur."

The Elder smiled a little bit and gave a nod in response. He sighed a bit then stood before looking towards the pile of Alyssa's belongings. "Want me to bring your stuff to your quarters? I'm going to head in."

Alyssa bit her lip before giving a nod. "Thank you...Arthur. Oh uhm...Your jacket..."

"Hold onto it. I'll snag it back in the morning."

The two exchanged a smile before the Elder walked over to the pile of belongings and picking everything up. Her bag, pip-boy, Kellogg's outfit, etc. "Don't stay out here to late...Alyssa."

She laughed a little bit. Something she very rarely did anymore. "You know that I can't promise anything."

He gave another smile before starting back towards the main part of the airport.

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