14. Rather End It All Tonight *last chapter*

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 Chapter 14 -  Rather End It All Tonight

"Are you sure he won't be there?" I ask Iris for the countless time.

   We're currently driving to her apartment to pick up the rest of her things. God forbid if Adam was there. It's time for new beginnings and I wanted Iris to live in my apartment. A new and fresh environment for her recovery and to sober up. I just wanted what was best for her, this is one of the steps.

   Iris shakes her head with annoyance. "I told you. He's at work."

"And what about the lease?" I asked.

"It's under his name. So don't worry about it."

   You'd think Iris would be more nervous than me, looks like the tables have turned. 

   We turn into the record shop that had their apartment upstairs and make our way inside. I cringe as I looked around, this place made me hate myself for even leaving Iris when Adam came into the door.

   "Hey, It's okay." Iris smiled slightly as she gently touched my shoulder, it relaxed my nerves but the guilt was still there.

"Lemme just get the things out of my bathroom and we'll see what else is in the bedroom."

I nod my head and start to look around the filthy place.

As I walk to her bedroom, something catches my eye. It's a letter stuff between a journal and a binder.

Picking it up, I examine it. As I open it, my eyes widen with shock.

Dear Vic,

My demons are eating me alive. I tried. Please know that. I tried to live. I tried to be happy. I fucking tried. You'll do so much greater things. Your band will tour the world, I know it. 

But  please, don't take this out on me,

'Cause you're the only thing that's been keeping me alive.

And I don't wanna wait for the down-set date

'Cause I would rather end it all tonight.

And if I mean anything to you,

I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind.

With all love, Iris.

p.s I've been having this dream we can fly.

"It couldn't be." I whisper, but it was. I was beyond confused and wanted answers. Iris said she went to a mental intuition, but why would there be a suicide note?

"Oh my God." I groan as I rub my face.

"What's that?" Iris' voice startles me. I try to hide it but she snatches it out of my hands.

"You weren't supposed to fucking read that." She hisses.

"Funny how it's addressed to me." I retort, she didn't like that I said that. Not one bit.

"Fuck off." She turns around and right before she walks out of the room, I had one more thing to say.

"So tell me the truth, Iris."

"Tell you the truth?" She screams, wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors came to the door to tell us to quiet it down.

"Jc came to the fucking day! Helped me when you weren't there!"

Iris' POV (bet you weren't expecting that)

Flashback //

I woke cold and shivering as the bright lights blinded me. Where was I exactly? Heaven? Don't be so silly, Iris. I try to move around but as my eyes begin to focus, I realize that I'm hooked to a monitor. I wanted to scream and cry at the sudden grasp of noticing that I'm alone. No one is next by my side as I lay in this uncomfortable hospital bed. I'm isolated on the path of recovery ahead of me. No more Vic, just me. Tears started to roll down my cheek. Waking up alone was my biggest fear and it came true.

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