6. I'm Losing A Perfect Thing

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Chapter 6 - I'm Losing A Perfect Thing

It's been a week.

   It's been exactly seven days since I've seen her. I'd like to think that it wasn't real. But it is. I can't erase her from my mind. She's permanently on my mind.

   For the past week, I've been in the studio with the boys. We're currently still in Palm Springs and I unfortunately haven't seen Iris anywhere. Not even in town or any stores around here. And I'd be damn if I drag myself to the stripper club.

  I've been on a nonstop writing motive stage. It's almost as if I can't stop. I'm constantly worked up on lyrics and I can get so zoned into the piece of writing in front of me so easily.

  This sort of thing is good and bad at the same time. The guys find it unhealthy to not be able to put the pen down, but it's good to the extent of getting each song for the new album down. 

  I haven't paid my parents a visit yet, of course Mike has. But I've been hesitant to do so. The day I found out Iris was dead, my parents knew.

  Well, they thought. They thought it was Iris who was killed in the accident just like I did. But they had the nerve to make me find out by myself, all alone and feeling the most miserable emotion on the highest level I've ever experience in my entire life. It was brutal.

  I can't describe the emptiness that surged through my body months after months. I refused to eat. Hell, my body didn't even let me eat or sleep. It felt like I was taken away by the one thing on this Earth that can make my day so much better, besides music. She even beats music by far. The level of happiness that was given to me from her was the highest of all. And when I lost that, that one thing that was so important to my life and in my life, it felt like someone ripped my heart out and shattered it into millions of pieces.

   And I'm going to let myself do that. I need to get Iris back, and I'll do absolutely anything to have my purest happiness back.

"We're going out tonight, want to come?" Tony walks into the back lounge.

  We're still living in our tour bus since the boys and record company thought it would be a good idea to have it parked outside the recording studio so we’re uber close to the building plus the bus we're renting is easily affordable.

"Uh yeah, I'm going to pay the folks a visit actually." I get up. Tony shrugged and starts to tie his shoes.

I wash up and fit into black skinny jeans with a maroon red sweater and a beanie.

  I'm walking down the streets, it's almost night time. Since I don't have my truck, I'll be taken the public transportation bus. Oh the joy. But my first stop is to swing by Iris' work. I don't plan on losing her and it's time to take back what I've lost - again.

 I take the familiar back alley. It's still damp and cold in Palm Springs. It's that type of weather that makes you wish to be sitting by a fireplace and cuddle in pounds of blankets. Oh how I wish that could be Iris and I...

  I open the back door, to my surprise it was unlocked. I wanted to cover my eyes the minute I started to walk in. I just needed to get Iris and get the hell out of here. I stop in front of her dressing room door. I nervously lift my hand up. Hopefully, she's in there. I don't think I'd have the guts to look for Iris elsewhere. 

Never did I expect myself to be back here. But here I am.

  Before I can even knock the door swings open with a shouting Iris. "Jessica do you know where my suit it?" She hollers. I anxiously bit down on my lip as I waited for her to look up. She was busy trying to look through her bag for something.

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