4. This Dizzy Dreamer

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 Chapter 4 - This Dizzy Dreamer

  There are moments in time where you'd do anything to protect someone at any cost. That is was so vital to care for them and make sure they're okay. And that you'll hold them at their darkest hours and be there even at your most inconvenient times. Well, that goes for Iris. Eighteen year old Iris, I'd go to no limit to stop anything harming her. That still has not changed one bit for her at all.

Her screams are a wound in my heart, which is still shattered into a million of pieces.

  It's an hour later from that, she's currently in my arms that I once found impossible to even happen in the first place.

  I play back what just happen only a short sixty minutes ago in my mind.

  "Iris!" I shake her shoulder, her body is coated with sweat. She grips her bed sheets and screams a little louder.

  "Iris, wake the fuck up!" And she does. She jolts from her bed, her hair is a wild mess and so unruly. She frantically looks around and when her eyes lay on me she wraps her arms around my neck, tightly.

  "It's okay, Iris. Just a nightmare." I try to soothe her as I rub her back. She cries on my shoulder and it kills every bone in me. My poor Iris. She doesn't deserve this at all. She deserves the whole world and I'm afraid I can't deliver that.

"Come sleep in my bed, yeah?" I suggested with the nothing but good intentions.

She nods her head in agreement.

Vic - one point, world - zero points.

I lift her out of her bed, and she's light as a feather. Which scares me, doesn't she eat?

  I gently lay her down on my bed and move next to her, wrapping my arms around her. Wishing I could protect her from everything but for now, my arms can only defend a small bit of her demons that I have no idea about anymore.

   Which leaves me to where I am now. An hour later, still awake. Hearing her deep breathes and her small movements. It's quiet and everything around is still. Like we are the middle of the universe and that everything surrounds us. But that's not the case, by the time the sunrises, reality will set it. What will happen? I have no idea.

   Iris will probably end up leaving back. To where? I don't know, maybe she has an apartment. Or maybe she still lives at her old house.

   "Fault number one," Her voice surprises me. I was so positive she fell back to asleep. "I get nightmares."

Faults? Of what?

   As if she read my mind, she speaks again but yet she her voice was so faint and barely there. "Of me, that's what the faults contain. The faults of what happened when you came home from touring in May."

  I was simply too tired to respond. My wearily eyes were begging to be closed and gain some sleep. My mind was pleading as well, it needed energy to think and I didn't have that energy to give. So I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of Iris, she smelled like strawberries.

   I fell asleep into a peaceful slumber with the thought of having Iris wrapped around my arms which left a small smile upon my lips.


  "Vic," Someone whispers into my ear, but still in a yelling tone almost. "Wake up!"

  I shoot my eyes open to notice Iris staring at me with wide eyes.

   "What?" I groan, it's too early in the morning. "God, what time is it?"

  "Time for me to leave and the boys are probably back."

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