2. Darling It's Cold Outside

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  • Dedicated to Klate

Chapter 2 - Darling It's Cold Outside

   I move through the crowd, trying to see where the girl has gone to. The beat of the current song aggravated me to no point, I couldn't think clearly with it blaring like it is.

   I go into the backstage, and I see the back of her. Ah! My pace quickens but I get rudely stop by a guard.

  "You can't be back here." He stood taller than me, at this point I never felt so ashamed of my height. Curse me for being 5'6.

   She was slowly leaving my eyesight. I can't let her go. At least not now. Not ever.

   "I'm here for a friend! She's right there." I point as I panic. The guard doesn't let me through and I grow frustrated. I quickly dodge to the left of him and move my legs as fast as I can to catch up to the girl. There are different make-up stations and dressing rooms as I pass by. Never did I think I'd be doing this.

   Finally, I grab a hold of her bare smooth shoulder. She turns around, her face was plastered with shock. I'm speechless as I look at her. It's Iris. The one and only.

My Iris. Working as a stripper? How's this even possible.

  Before I can get a second thought, the guard catches up with a furious look upon his face.

  "Miss Spade do you know this man?" He looks up and down at me, scaring the living day lights out of me.

Wait, did he just say Spade?

"He's with me, Robert."

 I melt at her voice. So angelic and brings me back to reality. It's Iris. Just three years older.

   Robert scuffs and leaves the scene. I look back at her and get a full glance at her. She's in lacy lingerie, her body is completely full unlike the eighteen year old Iris I know of. But her skin is still pale and her wild red dyed color hair is still there.

  "I don't want to speak to you. Go away." She snaps.

  Wait what? Why is she angry? Did I do something?

"Iris-" I was shock and wordless is the least to say.

   "You heard me." She grumbles and continues to walk. I follow her into a dressing room - which I think is hers. "Don't make me get Robert. I don't ever want to see your face again."

   I stop in my tracks in the middle of the small room. Why is she doing this? I need explaining. It's not every day where you find your supposedly dead best friend who's your one true love at a strip club.

  "Why are you doing this?" I merely croak out. She puts on a full body length black coat that was hung on a racket. She's ignoring me.

   I look around, there's a white leather couch to the side and the other side of the brick room is a big mirror with make-up products on the counter.

  I snap back into reality. What the hell do I even say? "Iris?" I scramble for words. "Please."

  She pulls her leather purse over her shoulder and stops in front of me. "You abandon me, why should I even talk to you?" Her face is emotionless. Eighteen year old Iris was so easy to read, including her body language. But this Iris? It's like a whole complete unlike Iris that only seemed like a stranger to me now.

   "I don't understand," I stumble on my words. She shakes her head as she moves pass me. I follow her to the back door that exits out into a dark and damp alley way. The cold winter air hits me and makes me shiver as I form goosebumps. The sounds of the city come into play, the awful noise of a siren passes in the distance along with the soft dripping noise coming from the gutter ahead of me. She stops strutting her long legs before she passes a dumpster.

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