10. Waiting Game

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Chapter 10 - Waiting Game

When the phone rings, she doesn't pick up. Maybe it's too soon to call? Is this what being clingy is?

It's been another two days. Another two days in the studio and of course waiting. The waiting kills me within. It eats me down to the bones. It's a game that I don't like playing. Never had and never will. It's a balance that I always get the uneven side of.

With the game, I finally have the one song I've been working on done. Funny how when she comes back into my life, my writing for lyrics seem to come back. It's odd how just by that small bit of time that she can banish my writing block.

I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket is definitely a tough song to come up with, now it's time to lay down all the riffs and drums. Let's not forget the bass line.

The boys and I have thought about titles and what exactly we want for this album, we have a general idea. Other than Mike, no one else knows about Iris. I guess Mike might be able to keep a secret.

Although Tony has been wondering where I've been getting my inspiration from. It's either I make a lie or tell the truth to my band mate at this point. What's the harm if I do? That I'm not sure.

Mike was in a little bit of denial but after a full explanation he started to come to his senses.

I get up from the couch in the studio, it's late and I just want to go home.

But what's really home at this point? I can't decide ever since Iris has been back. She's my home. Wherever she is, it's my home. Maybe my offer for her to live in my apartment is what made her steer away from me.

I reach to my truck and drive to one place I know she'll be at. I need to make this right.

When I pull into the club's parking lot, I didn't exactly know what to do. I have no plans and that's already a sign of trouble and failure. I walk to the back of the building carefully trying not to get caught. I tug on my coat as the wind blew. It's so damn cold, Palm Springs is having a tough winter season.

I make my way through the back stage area. It's hoarded with girls in high heels that could kill. I reach to her door that has her name on it. I give myself a moment to think of something so I don't look like a complete idiot but I knock anyways.

She opens the door and once she realize it's me, she's suddenly alert and grabbing onto my sleeve

Pulling me into the room, she's beyond shocked and almost frightened. "You can't be here!"

"Why not?" I smirk. What was I even trying to do? That I'm not even sure of.

"You can get me fired." She shots back. "Please leave."

"I'm pretty sure you can have someone in your dressing room. Plus it's almost closing time."

Iris sighs in defeat and looks around the room. She's trying to dodge eye contact, I know it. She makes it perfectly obvious without even realizing it herself.

"I tried to call," I try to come up with something.

"Yeah I know." She snorts.

She walks away from me to her purse. Her lips move apart like they were about to speak but instantly close. She's thinking hard and it's all over her face. She frowns with her eyebrows knitting. "What do you want?"

"Well isn't that obvious?" I sit down on the couch, I had a feeling we'll be here for a while. "I want you."

"Oh yeah? In what ways, Victor?" Her sarcastic-witty self-came back, well that was quick.

"Like the way we were three years ago. I miss that a lot."

She shakes her head and lets out a brittle laugh. "Three years ago. Things change and people change. It's life."

"Then I don't like life." I mutter, but she heard it anyway. She sits down next to me after she takes a beer out of her mini fridge.

"You'll get used to it." She shrugs like it's no big deal. I'm just going to have to get used to this. When I say 'this' I mean the new Iris, it's going to be difficult. She used to be so kind and soft. What made her built this strong wall that seems to be unbreakable?

So many questions I want to have an answer to but not enough time nor is it really worth the risk? I look over at her when she takes another large gulp of her drink. She has newly formed bruises that makes me question what she's been up to or who's she been around.

"What are you looking at?" Her head looks down to her feet. Her shyness of people staring hasn't truly gone away. Her lips curl with wrinkles forming at the ends of her eyes. Beautiful was all I could see.

"You. I've said it twice and I'll say it again. "You're a rare event, Iris Rae. A piece of art work."

She looks up at me, finally eye contact. She leans in close so close that I can smell the alcohol off her breath and the cigarette on her long trench coat. She looks down upon my lips then back to my eyes. I see the sea as I stare into hers. Her face softens and I see a tiny bit of sadness and uncertainty.

"What's holding you back, Iris?" I whisper so gently. Her breathing quickens as I wait for her answer.

With a quick moment, someone barges in the room with a loud roar. "What the hell, Iris!"



Finally out of school. better and quicker chapters soon...even though this is short. Sorry for that!

I just don't have the right creative energy flow but I know how I want this book to end...hmm

Vote and comment!

-Kc Jun.5.14

p.s - This chapter is dedicated to Dolllface here on Wattpad, go read her fanfictions :)

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