Chapter Seventeen Neville and Luna's Wedding (Part 2)

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Previously ...

Bellatrix runs into early birth before going to Neville's wedding. Luna and Neville gets married. Hermione missed the whole wedding. At the reception, Luna gets a call from Voldemort.

Narrated by"Harry Luna and Voldemort "

In the bathroom, Hermione was throwing up during the whole wedding. I ran to see some of it. I'm gonna punch the bloody hell out of Neville. He stole my vows. But I was proud of him. "Hermione. You missed the wedding." "Leave me alone." "Why?" "You're in the girls bathroom." Harry opened the stall door. Hermione sat on the ground laughing. "Hermione. What's going on?" "I have pains. Harry a Bewitched Pregnancy is serious." "I'm sorry Hermione." "Harry is your phone ringing?" I felt a vibration. I picked my phone and answered it. "Who is it?" Hermione would ask. "Neville. Bellatrix is in labor."

At the hospital, Voldemort was nervous. Bellatrix was in early labor. Neville's friends came and sat down beside him. I haven't heard from Harry or Hermione at least for an hour. It wasn't clear if it was a false alarm or really early labor for a situation.

Two hours have passed and the doctors haven't came out. Briefly no one did. Soon Harry and Hermione arrived. They hugged me. Luna and Neville sat beside the gang. Later, a doctor came out. I walked forth. "Mr Riddle. We are having difficulties. Come." I walked inside the room. Bella was screaming. "Riddle. She having her baby now. Her birth date has passed eight months ago. You might want to put on this suit. Here comes birth."

An hour later, we heard screaming. Lots of it. Harry was taking Hermione home. We and the gang stayed. Soon there was silence. Voldie came out. We stood. "Its a boy!"he shouted. We all cheered. We went inside. Bella had a little baby boy in her hands. It was a skin tone like Bella and head like Voldemort. Body was like Bella's. Eyes like Voldemort. I cried. "Are you okay?" "What the hell. I great." Neville squeezed me.