Chapter 6

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I wake in my own bed. My whole body aches. I look across to the corner to see Peeta slumped in a chair asleep.

I try to sit up but the pain is everywhere but I manage to get to a sitting position, moaning from the pain as I do.

Peeta hears me and leaps across the room to the bed. He takes my hand and looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"Thanks god your okay, I really thought I'd lost you this time"

"What happened, I can remember the flash and that's it" I groan.

"You killed the mutt, but you were so close you got caught in the blast from your arrow. You hit your head when you landed on the shore, you've got a concussion but your sore from the blast wave that hit you"

"I didn't get any burns?"

"No, you weren't that close, if it had taken another step toward you, you probably wouldn't be here now"

"How long have I been here?"

"Two days" my mother answers
from the doorway.

The shock on my face must show as I never expected to see her again, she said she could never return to twelve and I would never be allowed to leave the district to see her. She walks over and strokes my head.

"Hi" she says softly.

"Hi Mom" I say with tears in my eyes.

Speaking on the phone is easy, your only talking, but seeing each other brings us both to tears. Thoughts of my life before the games return to me, our house in the seam, Prim, Buttercup, my mother, and me. Supporting them.

"I'll go and make some tea" says Peeta as he leaves the room leaving my mother and I alone.

"I'm sorry" is all I can think to say.

"What for?"

"For shutting you out for all these years, for not being there for you" I sob.

"I think your talking about me now" she says smiling.

She climbs in bed next to me and holds me like a baby. I feel like the last part of my life is in order. When I think of what I've got in my life, until now I only had Peeta, but now my Mom has returned to me. We just sit there holding each other sobbing gently.

"Why did you come back, I thought you couldn't face coming back to twelve" I ask.

"When Peeta called to tell me you'd been injured, I had to come. Despite all that's happened your all I've got left in this world"

I smile at her, and she kisses my forehead. We sit there, saying nothing, just taking in each other's company. We've never talked like this since before my father died.

"Everything okay" asks Peeta as he walks in with a tray of cheese buns and tea"

"We're fine" I answer

Mom gives me a squeeze around my shoulders and I wince in pain and laugh which makes it hurt all the more.

"I'll leave you two alone" Mom says

She gets up and walks out.

Peeta walks over and gives me a long lingering kiss.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

He kisses me again, sits on the edge of the bed and hands me my tea.

"Where's Beetee and Gale"

"They flew back to district two with the mutts body, they'll be running tests on it to find out more about it".

I look down, feeling sad.

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