The Imperfect Match

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I wake up and look to see Megan there still sleeping. I put on some clothes and go downstairs. I'm greeted by Taylor and Cameron and they're clapping. "Congratulations Matt, you two were so loud the neighbors down the street heard." Taylor says. "Thin walls." I chuckle. I look over to see Nash and he's sitting at the table jealous and angry. I shrug it off and go to make myself breakfast. As I go I to the question I see a girl that I haven't seen before. I gone a questioning look to Taylor and he introduces me to his girlfriend, Daniella but she goes by Dany for short.
I wake up and see that Matt's not here. I get up and get dressed, I look in the mirror to see that my hairs a mess. I comb through it and go downstairs. There's another girl here. she's blonde and has really green eyes. Shes also really pretty. her name is Daniella. Allison, Zheaa, Daniella, and I plan on going to the mall later on today. While the boys go out to wherever they want.
~~~~~~~1 HOUR LATER~~~~~~
As I was getting ready for the mall I hear Matt come into my room. "Hey the me and the guys are going paintballing." he tells me. "Uhm okay?" I guess. Je wraps his arms around me and whispers into my ear "That means if I get shot you have to kiss my boo-boo" I turn around and say "You're such a child" he laughs and walks out. I was wearing a neon green muscle tank top that said 'You Jelly?, black shorts, and black vans. I went downstairs and we went to the mall.
When we got to the paintball place Nash still looked angry. We got suited up quickly and then a guy taught us out to play and shoot. Before he started the game we went to our hiding spots and it started. Nash, Cameron, jack j, and jack g we on the opposite side from Taylor, Aaron, carter, and I. It got pretty intense and by the end of it I got shot 10 times. Mainly by Nash.
When we got to the mall we were instantly greeted by fans. Some of them didn't like us and you could tell but I didn't really care. When we finished with that we started walking around and Allison went into hot topic while Daniella went into Hollister. Then zheaa went off to somewhere so I was alone. While I was walking I found someone that surprised me. "Jackson?" I yelled surprised and he turned around. I ran up to him and hugged him. Jackson was my best guy friend. but right before I moved in 8th grade he told me he liked me but we didn't really keep in touch. After I let go we started talking. I had to say he looked hot. After awhile we went to the food court and got something to eat. "So why exactly are you in North Carolina?" I ask curiously. "Well my family decided to move here I don't know why." he told me. "Oh and you look gorgeous like always" he told and I started blushing. After we finished we bumped into Allison, Daniella, and Zheaa. "Hey Megan who's this?" Dani asked. "Oh this is Jackson." I say introducing him to Zheaa and Dani. Allison knew him and she well basically hated him. She said that he was a player and that if i ever dated him I would be dead to her. So when I looked towards Allison she looked at him with a pure look of disgust. I gave Jackson my number and gave him a hug before we left. On the way out they were all asking we thousands of questions. "Okay I never dated him we're just good friends and please don't tell Matt about this. He'll end up wanting to go everywhere with us." They all nodded their heads and we left. When we got to the house the all the boys were there. We went in and you could see that all of them were shot. I went up to Matt and he was in pain. I looked around to all the guys and they were all complaining. "So I'm guessing you all got shot a lot." I guessed and they all nodded. "Let's go out to eat or order something for dinner." Dani suggested. We all agreed. I called a Chinese food place while Aaron, jack j, and jack g left. They were going to some party. After 20 minutes the door bell rang and Matt and I went to answer it. We got the food and we all started eating.
When we finished Megan and I decided to go upstairs and go to sleep. She got up to get something, then her phone went off.
Jacksonnn💜: Hey, do you wanna go out tomorrow.
Who's Jackson?

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