Puppy Power

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The sun is just peaking over the horizon when I open my eyes.  I am sandwiched between Luke and Gabriel who are both snoring softly.  I know that it wasn't them who woke me, so I look around the room.  The door is cracked open, but I can't see if anyone is there.  My bladder is protesting the delay in emptying it, so I wiggle out from between my two guys and tip toe to the door.  I open the door just enough to slip through and run right into a solid, bare chest.  Looking up I see dark brown eyes that stare at me with intensity.  I wrap my arms around my big grumpy bear and snuggle into his chest, my face heating as I realize what I am doing.

"Good morning, North Star," I murmur into his chest inhaling the scent that is all North.

"Good morning, Sang Baby.  Did you sleep well?" He wraps his arms around me and rubs his hands up and down my back.

"I did.  No nightmares. Do you want to meet me downstairs?" I really do have to use the bathroom.

"Sure.  I'll see you in a bit.  Try not to wake up the other two.  I want some alone time with you before Mr. B comes to pick you up."  I give him a quick nod and head into the bathroom. I decide to quickly wash up, but not wash my hair so that Meanie doesn't have a hissy fit again. I slip quietly into Luke's room and grab some clothes.  

It takes me less than 10 minutes to get washed up and dressed again. North is waiting with a hot cup of coffee in front of him.  I know that he doesn't drink coffee often, so I wonder why he is drinking it now. He has a shirt on, much to my disappointment. I slip into the chair next to him and he jumps with a quick intake of air.

"You are getting quieter and quieter.  I didn't hear you at all."  He looks at my sock clad feet and shakes his head. "Would you like something small to eat before Mr. B gets here?"

I think for a moment and look around.  The kitchen is always well stocked with healthy food.  "I think I will just have an apple or banana.  I don't want to eat too much." 

North gets up and opens the refrigerator.  He pulls out a container of strawberries.  My eyes widen as he also gets out a container of Cool Whip.  I look closer and see that it is "Light" Cool Whip.  This is a good compromise.

We feed each other strawberries and talk about inconsequential things for a few minutes.  Mine have the whip cream while his do not.  I ask him about the Newcomb team and he tells me a few stories about when they were on missions together.  I find that I am no longer jealous.  Luke and Gabriel come down and sit down with us.  I feed Luke a strawberry with whipped cream.  He looks like he is in heaven.  

Gabriel motions me to go back upstairs so he can do my hair.  North and Luke work on making breakfast for the group.  Apparently, Silas is still asleep in North's trailer.  

Gabriel washes and dries my hair so that it has a little curl at the end.  I am ready just in time to hear a car pulling up to the house.

In the kitchen, Luke, North and Silas are sitting down eating eggs, toast and turkey sausage.  I give Silas a hug and quick kiss on the cheek.  "Good Morning, Aggele Mou.  I am happy I get to see you for a minute.  It seems like it has been forever since we have spent time together." Gabriel grabs a plate as Owen comes in.  A chorus of "Good mornings" echo through out the room.

"How about we plan an evening for this Friday? I would like to spend time with you too." I miss my guys when I am not with them. 

"What do you say, Brother?  Do you want to take our girl out for a date?" Both Silas and North taking me out.  I can't wait.

"Sounds like a plan.  Can you make sure we aren't given any missions for Friday or early Saturday, Mr. B?"

"Already put in my calendar, Gentlemen.  Now, are you ready to go, Miss...Sang?" I smile at the hiccup and nod my head before giving each of the guys a kiss.

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