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Unknown POV

How did we get here?  Why is this happening to our precious girl?  It just isn't fair.  She never did anything to deserve this.

How did we go from the fun of a a week at Disney World to here?  The week was everything that a five-year-old, princess obsessed, little girl could want.  We got back right before school was to start back after the winter holidays.  Allie was on cloud 9.  She couldn't wait to tell her teacher, another Disney fanatic,  about everything that she saw.  She even bought her teacher an Ariel pin since they both have red hair and love to swim.  

About a week later, Allie developed a cold. She was tired and lethargic.  She still gave everyone her wonderful, straight to the heart smile, but something was a bit off.  I also noticed bruises on her arms and legs.  I thought that they could be from playing at PE.  Kids will be kids.  I got a call from school on the Hundredth Day of school to pick Allie up, she wasn't feeling well and had a nose bleed.  Her face was so pale and there were dark circles under her eyes.  I was concerned, so I took her to her doctor thinking that she could be anemic.  

The pediatrician listened carefully to everything that I told her, and took some blood.  Allie was so brave when they came in to take the blood.  She didn't even cry. I watched the nurse meet with the doctor, her eyes ringed with red like she has been crying.  The doctor looked at the blood test results and broke down, tears streaming down her face.  I knew then.  It was bad. Cancer.

Now we are waiting for a bone marrow biopsy to tell us just what type of cancer she has and a spinal tap to see if the cancer has spread.  We are in a place that all parents hope their children never have to visit, the Children's Wing of the hospital.  This place is amazing though.  We were escorted to the floor from the front reception desk.  Allie's room already had her favorite movie, Frozen, playing.  There were balloons and gifts on the table by her bed from the Child Life Specialists.  The staff has been exceptional.  They are so caring.  They don't treat Allie like she is sick.  They  are joking around and talking to her like she is any other child.  Dr. Roberts has been wonderful.  He has not only explained everything to Allie in a way she can understand, he has also helped us with our fears.  She didn't even realize that the nurse was putting her IV in until the stick because Dr. Roberts was singing "Let it Go" with her.

Allie was just taken back for the biopsy.  We were able to stay with her until she went into the operating room.  It will be a quick procedure, one of many I am sure.  Now we wait.

Dr. Roberts' POV:

"Owen, I completely agree that Sang has to become more comfortable with being around other people.  The Academy introductions went well, but we need to help her in any way we can to make the transition easier. I am glad you came to me for help.  I have an idea.  You said that she is more comfortable with children.  She did a fantastic job with Sean the few times she has been shadowing him.  I suggest that she volunteer on the children's floor.  I think that with her personality and intelligence, she would make an excellent doctor." We are sitting in my office.  Owen Blackbourne is in his usual grey suit with a maroon tie.  He continues to be very formal with me even after I repeatedly ask him to relax.

"Dr. Roberts, I think that is a very acceptable solution. I am sure that Sean will be able to get her here after school several days a week and we will find someone to pick her up. Thank you for the suggestion. Could I bother you further to propose the idea to Ms. Sorenson? I don't want her to think I am pushing her."  Owen's eyes flash with concern and something else.  I have a feeling that this young team is going to repeat what the Anderson team did a few years ago.  I know that the Academy will test them, but I have seen how they act together and there is not a stronger family unit out there.

"Owen, I would be happy to.  I seem to recall that she is scheduled for a follow up blood work from when she was ill a few weeks back.  I will ask pop in and ask her then."  Helping this team and especially this little bird will be my pleasure.  I have a feeling that there will be several families helped in this instance.

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