First Day

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Sang's POV:

The day is FINALLY finished! School has gone by so agonizingly slow. Waiting for something that you want to happen always seems to make time go slower. On the other hand, dreading something happening makes time speed by. Even Dr. Green's class seemed to drag today. I would never tell him that though.

Gym was torture as usual. I despise running, even though I am pretty good at it. I would just rather play something, anything. Plus it is cold outside and the "uniform" consists of a short sleeved shirt and short shorts. Walking into the locker room it seems like it is louder than usual, with arguments popping up all over the place, lockers slamming, someone's music playing from her phone, just a cacophony of noise that grates on my nerves. I don't even change out of my gym uniform before I leave. I can't wait for my first day at the hospital. I have the "letter" in my bag just in case I get stopped, but I shouldn't since school is over for the day.

I push my way through the crowded hallways, dodging a pair of wandering hands, to the office to meet Dr. Sean. Nathan and Gabriel weren't in gym, so I am on my own. As I enter the office and start to head back the narrow hallway, a hand clamps on my shoulder squeezing a little too hard. I stiffen, but do not make a sound as I turn toward the person. Mr. Hendricks has a sneer on his face, his beady eyes flash with anger and something else that I am not quite certain about.

"Can I help you, Mr. Hendricks," I am proud that my voice does not waver at all as I confront him.

"Ms. Sang, what are you doing here? No students are allowed in here without permission, and I certainly did not call for you." He seems both angry and nervous, like I interrupted something important. That is interesting and I think that Mr. Blackbourne needs to know this bit of information.

"I am going to Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green's office," I state simply. "They are expecting me," I add so that maybe he won't detain me long.

"Why would you be going there? School is over and I know that you ride with one of those Academy boys every afternoon." I am not surprised that he knows my schedule for the day. Maybe I am too predictable and I need to shake things up a bit.

"If you must know, I am volunteering at the hospital where Dr. Green works, and he is my ride since he has to go there anyway." I have no reason to lie, so I don't since I can't lie effectively anyway. His hand on my shoulder is very uncomfortable.

"Likely story." Okay, at this point, I am getting mad and I am so grateful for Victor and Gabriel to think of that documentation may be necessary. I pull out the letter and hand it to him with a blank expression on my face.

"You can call Dr. Roberts, if you would like. His direct hospital number is at the bottom. He is expecting me soon since I have orientation activities scheduled. May I have my letter and be dismissed? Like you said, it is after school and my time is my own," Like I said, I am getting mad, but I am not being rude.

"Go," he growls as he squeezes a little harder before letting of of my shoulder. I keep my expression blank and make my way to the small office. Dr. Sean is waiting. He is looking up from his phone as I enter.

"You did great, Pookie! I am so proud of you for staying calm and still standing up to that bully." Dr. Sean is smiling. "Do you need a minute, or are you ready to go?"

Surprisingly, I don't feel the nervous shakes that usually accompany a confrontation like that. "Could you look at my shoulder first? Also, I need to talk to Mr. Blackbourne. Then, I will be ready to go."

"What happened with your shoulder?" Dr. Sean asks as he pulls the neckline of my shirt to the side. He was just listening through the microphone in my phone and did not see what actually transpired. 3 prominent red marks are on the front side of my shoulder. I'm sure there is one on the back side as well.

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