Job offer

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A/N: I was hoping to have this ready for Update Day, but alas, it did not happen. I hope you enjoy it anyway. I have another part done, so it will be up soon.

Sang POV

I don't understand why I had to come back for them to take more blood. You would think that if you were diagnosed with Anemia, that they would want to you to keep as many red blood cells in your body as possible. I guess modern medicine hasn't caught on to that yet. Maybe I will invent a way of doing a blood cell count without taking blood. Hmmm...

"Good morning. Ms. Sang! I am happy to say that your blood work came back fine. You were on a very strong antibiotic that could have interfered with your iron levels, so we had to check to make sure it didn't mess anything else up." Dr. Roberts just came in and repeated what Dr. Sean already told me. I like him though. He reminds me of my grandfather. He just has that sort of personality.

"Thank you, Dr. Roberts. Dr. Green just told me the good news. We were about to go get apple pie from the cafeteria if you would like to join us." Dr. Sean gave me a weird look like I messed up his plans or something. I know that his favorite dates are Apple Pie, Nap, Baby oggling ones. Maybe they aren't his favorite, but they are what we can do for a while yet. At least until the Ashley Waters job is done for the boys. Then, all bets are off. I really can't wait until I can really spend time with both Sean and Mr. Blackbourne.

"I would love to. I want to talk to you about something that may interest you." Dr. Roberts held the elevator door open until we were all on and pushed the number 1 for the first floor. That's odd. I always read about elevators having music, but I have never heard it here at the hospital.

"What was that, little bird," Dr. Roberts asked. "Music?" I must have been talking aloud to myself again. This habit is going to get me in trouble one of these days.

"I was wondering why there is no music on the elevator," I tell him quietly. "I have always heard how horrible it is to listen to elevator music." Dr. Roberts and Dr. Sean laugh.

"It is quite simple, we could not agree on the type of music, so we just didn't support it," Dr. Roberts says with laughter still in his voice. That makes sense. No one will be upset with the type of music then.

The cafeteria is fairly empty. The rose colored tables sit mostly empty. A young couple sits near the windows lost in thought. They have 2 cups of what I presume is coffee in front of them, but they are not paying any attention to their drinks. The woman reaches down and takes the napkin from her lap to dab her eyes. Dr. Roberts excuses himself to go to talk to the couple while Dr. Sean and I get 3 pieces of pie and bottles of water. We find seats near the windows looking out into the courtyard. The cooler weather of winter has not stopped the hospital from planting cold resistant flowers to add color to the dreary scenery.

I turn back to the table and help Dr. Sean pass out the food. I turn and watch intently as Dr. Roberts quietly talks to the couple. They look defeated. He places his hand on the young woman's shoulder and gently squeezes speaking a few more words. She gives him a sad smile as he turns away. The young man stands and shakes his hand.

Dr. Roberts slowly meanders his way through the sea of tables and sits down. He, too, is lost in thought. Then he looks at me and smiles the bright, encouraging smile that I have come to expect from him. "Sorry, about that. I had some news for that couple. Now I have some news for you. Actually, I have a job proposition for you, Little Bird."

I look at him incredulously. "For me? Why? What? I'm confused? I have a job at the Diner."

"Yes, for you. Actually, it is not a paying job, but a volunteering position. I remember how much fun you have when you shadow Sean here. I was wondering if you would like to do some volunteer work on the children's floor. We are short volunteers at the moment and I think that you would enjoy it." He takes a bite of his apple pie and waits for my answer. Volunteering, here, at the hospital? It does sound intriguing, but can I handle it? It will look good on my college application. That's another thing...

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