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Sang's POV - 

Kota drove me back to his house after my first shift.  I know that I talked his ear off with everything that I experienced, but I was just so excited.  We ate a quick dinner with Jessica and Erica and then sat down to do homework.  I was done rather quickly and pulled out the paper that Dr. Robert's gave to me.  While Kota finished up an assignment for Particle Physics, I used my iPad to look up some of the diseases and medications that were on the list.  It was really informative.  I found out that the little boy with the liver transplant will have to take anti-rejection medication for the rest of his life, but that both halves of the liver that his mom donated will grow to full size.  I looked at the treatments for AML and got a little bit sad thinking about all of the stuff that Allie will have to go through.  I wish that there was more that I could do.  

I look up and see Kota staring at me. "What are you doing, Sweetie? You look upset."

"I was just completing the research that Dr. Roberts gave me to do and started thinking about all that these kids have to go through.  I know that I didn't have an easy childhood, but I wasn't sick, ever. I really can't imagine what they are feeling.  I want to help them, but I don't know how."  When I am done speaking, I see Kota go into Team Lead mode.  

"Let's make a list and see if we can find some things that you can do to help out.  Start with what Dr. Roberts and the nurse told you."

Going from there, we made a list of easy things to do and another of bigger projects that will take time to get together and require a bit more help.  With Kota's help, I got together a bag with supplies from simple crafts to books to my Nintendo DS and the games.  We then sat down and wrote out a timeline for the big events.  Some were scheduled around holidays while others were just put in between as filler activities.  The list we came up with was pretty extensive.

The end of January would be Chinese New Year.  Next, we would make the Valentine's Day cards that Michael suggested.  A "Ball" would be fun.  We came up with a Leprechaun Hunt for St. Patrick's Day.  We thought of Dress up days and Video Game tournaments, along with and Easter Egg hunt, and a super hero day.  As spring progresses, I think that planting flowers for other patients would be nice for the kids to do.

We decided to start a page for each of the ideas in order to get as much done with organizing as possible.  Kota suggested that we bring this up at the next family meeting  and see who wants to help.  I am so thankful to Kota for helping me organize my thoughts.  Now, I need to go over this with my family and Dr. Roberts.  I don't want to get in anyone's way.


We were actually able to have a family meeting the next day after school.  I waited until the end of the meeting to discuss my ideas.  Everyone was willing to help and even had a few suggestions like decorating cookies or cupcakes, by Luke, to making smoothies, by both Nathan and North.  Victor suggested music class once in a while and both he and Mr. Blackbourne said that they would help out.  All in all, it was a great meeting.  Gabriel and Silas offered to drive me to anywhere I needed to go in order get whatever supplies.  Victor offered to pay, but I told him that I wanted to see what I could get donated first.  With that statement, Mr. Blackbourne gave me his millimeter smile and a slight nod of his head.  


The next day, I was back at the hospital.  I was anxious about going over the ideas with Dr. Roberts and Nurse Helen, but I should not have been.  They approved all of the ideas and even offered to help me with getting people to help out or get supplies. I was so excited that I just had to tell someone.

Allie was in her room reading yet another book.  She looked up at me and smiled when I entered her room.  Her first round of Chemo was over and she was tired, but in good spirits.  We talked for a little bit, but she was tired and wanted to sleep.  Her parents were both there and I was introduced to her mother, who looked to be a few months pregnant with just a small baby bump showing.  I didn't mention anything, but I was wondering if the stem cell therapy I read about in my research would be an option.  Would they use the new baby's stem cells to help Allie? 

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