Chapter 15 (Summer Time, Summer Time, Never Let Me Go...

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Skye was lying in Katy's bed next to her thinking last night was amazing. They had the best time and slept late so it was odd that Skye was wide-awake at eight in the morning. She was smiling from ear to ear at the thought of the night before. She felt like she was living life newly like a newborn baby about to experience life about to its full potential. Stronger it mind and mature in age. Living to new extents.

After the knock on the door last night Skye and Dylan rushed out of bed and rushed around picking up what was theirs and putting it on. Katy was at the door. She had searched to whole place for her brother and her best friend. It had gone past eleven and Katy and Dylan's mum was waiting for them outside. The two of them got dressed as fast as they could and rushed out of the door. Skye was a mess. Her hair ruined, her dress barely staying on her and her favourite heels in her hands. Dylan had a wicked grin was creeping up his face. He held the front door open for Skye and gave her a wink. Dylan's mum was just about to get out of the car when they both jumped in to the car.

Now it was eight o'clock in the morning. She was lying in Katy's bed and she felt a roar of hunger emerging from within her. She had to eat she didn't eat anything since last night. Katy wouldn't be up for another few hours. Thinking of that no one would be up now. Katy's house was like her second home and no would mind if she made breakfast. She thought of what to make as she put on Katy's nightgown on, on top of the pyjamas she'd borrowed from Katy. They were pink and had white hearts printed on them from top to bottom.

She stuffed cross the room yawning when she saw her dress on the side of the bed left there from the night before. She was smiling as she got to the door. She opened it slowly keeping in mind everyone was asleep. She took a step on to the birch coloured wooden floor board and felt a shiver travelling up her. She tiptoed to the edge of the stairs and just when she was about to go down stairs she saw Dylan moody yet sexy face emerge from his room. He didn't notice her just carried on out of the room. He must have needed to go toilet. Therefore, Skye let him be and carried on tiptoeing down the stairs to the kitchen.

She tried her best to keep the noise down as she made breakfast for a family of four and her. She prepared a plate full of pancake and cleaned up after herself. By the time, she was finished it was ten. Katy's dad was the first up and it didn't take her mum to come down stairs after him. Skye wouldn't usually make breakfast so Mr. and Mrs. Price were very impressed. So Skye gave them breakfast and went upstairs to freshen up. When she got upstairs she found Katy was still sleeping but with the covers on the floor. She picked up the covers and light placed them on Katy and got dressed in Katy's on suit bathroom ready for the day ahead.

By midday, Katy and Skye were out of the house heading for the park. They had a lot of catching up to do. Throughout the whole party, they only got a few words in. Now was their gossip time. They found a calming spot in the park close to a tree. They took their seats and the gossiping began. They talked about Jay and Katy, what people were wearing, who was drunk and each other's night. Skye hesitated when it came to her turn to spill the story of what happened between Dylan and her. Should she tell Katy what they'd done? She was her best friend. She had to tell.

"So how was your night then?" asked Katy enthusiastically.

"Um..." stuttered Skye.

"Um? what happened?"

"Me and Dylan..."

"You and Dylan what? Are you breaking up? Please say no!" Katy worried.

"No!" exclaimed Skye.

"What then?"

"We...did it." Whispered Skye.


"We did it."

"Dam girl!"

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