Chapter 4 (Are We Going???)

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The next day Katy seriously couldn’t wait to find out if they were going to the party. But naturally she was annoying Dylan from the night before about the party, although Dylan had a plan about how him and Katy would get to the party. Skye wasn’t doing well herself, she too was majorly excited about the party but was managing to keep quiet about it.

When Katy and Skye got to class the first thing they did was scan the room for Stacy, but she was nowhere to be seen. Katy was literally jumping out of the seat in wait of Stacy and her invitations. They soon found out Stacy had been called out by one of the teachers so she could explain why her homework was never handed in. So the girls had to wait until the next time they could see Stacy. At first break...

The bell finally rang after Mr George’s boring geography lesson.

“First break at last! Man, this lesson can take it’s time! I thought we would never get out of there.” said Katy with a sigh.

“Well, come on, you want to know if we’re going to the party don’t you?”

The girls rushed to the gate behind the bike racks where everyone was waiting anxiously to find out if they were going to Stacy’s party. At first they could hear Stacy shouting at everyone to shut up. When it finally got quiet Stacy started calling out the names of the people invited to her party.

“Debby Lee,

Aaron King

Nelly Wang

Eric Steel

Amy Knight...”

The names just kept coming except for theirs. They were getting scared. Were they not invited? Could they not go? But why? As the crowd got smaller they were becoming more and surer that they weren’t going. Soon Stacy got to the end of her list. She only had to cards left in her hands. This was it, those two cards had to have their names on it no matter what, and they had to.

“Millie Jones and Sara Tomas...”

They weren’t invited. This just couldn’t happen. She almost invited everyone. But not them.

“Oh, and I nearly forgot Skye Bell and Katy Price you two are invited too and make sure you come this time.” demanded Stacy.

“Arrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh” screamed Katy feeling overjoyed.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you so much!”

She grabbed hold of Stacy to give her one of her bear hugs.

“Me and K thought you weren’t going to invite us” breathed Skye with relief.

“Well you better be there, yeah?” asked Stacy.

“Definitely!” replied both the girls.

Now to find Dylan. They had to tell him the good news. They had almost lost the chance of going. So they started searching for him, everywhere. With all the excitement they almost forgot where Dylan would be at first break on a Tuesday.

“Where is Dylan, K?” asked Skye.

“How am I meant to know? He’s your boyfriend miss lovey-dovey”

“Well you live with him don’t you?”

Then the idea hit Skye.

“He’s in the art room.”

“Yes, how dopey am I? I should have known my big bro would be there!” says Katy slapping her head with the palm of her hand.

“Well come on miss slow coach, let go, first break is almost over.” Says Skye as she pulls Katy towards the art building.

As soon as they got into the classroom they got distracted with the piece of artwork Dylan was doing. It was the most beautiful thing in the world. It was a life size collage of pictures of Skye and Dylan in the shape of a heart. Every moment you could think of that memory they shared was there.

“Wow! Bro never thought you’d be this good at art!” breathed with excitement.

Dylan turned around with panic and when he noticed Skye in the room he quickly tried to cover it so she wouldn’t see.

“Skye, you’re not meant to see this yet! Dylan says with panic.

“It’s beautiful D!” exhaled Skye with delight.

“Skye, please go!” said Dylan whilst rushing the girls out of the art room.

As they stood out of the classroom Katy quickly remembered why they came to find Dylan in the first place.

“Hey bro, guess what? Asked Katy.

“What?” asked Dylan with suspicion.

“We’re going to the party!”

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