Chapter 13 (It's Party Night...At Last!)

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They waited for this party for over two months. The big day had finally arrived. The plan was that Skye’s mum would drop Dylan, Katy and Skye to the beach house. At around eleven they’d be picked up by Katy and Dylan’s mum. 

Skye was bubbling with excitement. She felt it in places she never knew existed. She flounced around the room with a spring in her step. While Katy frantically whizzed around trying to look perfect in every way possible. She had to look divine if she wanted to impress the boy of her dreams, Jay. Skye noticed how worried Katy seemed and tried to calm her down long enough to get a few words from her.

“Hey, hey, hey, calm down.” Said Skye as she grabbed a hold of Katy by her shoulders.

“Help, Skye.” Katy pleaded.

“What’s wrong?”

“Everything!” she huffed. “My hair, my shoes, my dress and don’t even get me started on my make up.” Whined Katy.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You look fine.”

“See that’s the problem. I look fine. You do know Jay’s going to be at the party?”

“Oh, I get it now. Looking nice for lover boy.” Teased Skye.

Skye and Katy stood at near the edge of Skye’s bed. Skye tugged at Katy’s dress and fixed the creases, even though there weren’t many. She mended Katy’s hairstyle that she had ruined by running around frantically. Katy’s make up was fine so Skye’s only did a few final changes just to please her. When Skye was done fixing up Katy she heard her mum calling from down stairs.

“Skye, Katy comes down stairs when you hear the horn Dylan going to be outside waiting with me.” Yelled Amy standing at the foot of the stairs.

“Okay mum!” Skye replied.

The girls rushed down stairs and out of the house at the sound of the car horn. On their way out they grabbed everything they needed for the night, keys, makeup, and bag. They practically skipped all the way to the car where Dylan was waiting with the door of the car open for them, like a true gentle man. He was wearing his usual style of clothing a jumper with a sexy pair of jeans. Katy was the first to get in. She went and sat next to Skye’s mum at the front seat leaving Dylan gawking at the sight of Skye. Skye had her hair curled to the side with the mum’s earrings flashing modestly. Her dress sparkling in the early moon light. But the thing that stood out most was her eyes. They looked as if they were giving off light if their own. Sparking with the moon light.

The whole journey to the party Dylan couldn’t pull his eyes off Skye. He was mesmerized by her, truly speechless.

“I think I’ll go and thank Stacy’s mum for hosting this party.”

“No mum, its fine I’ll thank her for you.”

She couldn’t let her mum go in to the party. Stacy doesn’t have parental guidance for the party. She couldn’t blow the cover. 

In the end her mum decided to leave them on the doorstep. When they got out of the car Dylan slipped a hand through Skye’s and led her to the party. Katy disappeared the second they got in. Dylan and Skye tried very hard to reach the living room where the party was just getting started. It took a long time to get to the living room only because the place was full of teenagers. They struggled a little but eventually made it in the end. 

The living room was packed with bodies but some of them were going into the garden where the swimming pool was ready for people to fill it up. There was a lot more moving around space. Skye noticed a buffet table with a variety of food and drinks but mainly alcohol filling up the table. There were people having intense make out sessions on the long red velvet sofa on one corner of the room. Out of all she could see she noticed the dance floor was buzzing with people having fun. She didn’t say a word not that he could hear her over the loud roar of music floating in the air. She only took Dylan by the hand on to the dance floor to show him a few of her moves.

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