Chapter 11 (Man, You're Full of Trouble!)

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That night Skye lay on her bed thinking of Dylan. She was thinking of how he was feeling. He told her before she told him. This was good in a way because now she knew he really loved her. But she had to tell him otherwise he would think she doesn’t love him back. She had spent all day with her mum trying to get her out fit just right. She now had a breathtaking dress, and spectacular necklace, a beautiful pair of earrings and she found her long lost heels. They were black with straps and gave her some height.

Dylan didn’t text or call Skye all day. She was getting worried he was upset. She couldn’t help it. Skye wasn’t a brave kind of girl. She’d always blend in rather than speak out. Speaking out was Ruby and Katy’s thing. She thought of sending Dylan a text. But what would she say? She couldn’t tell him she loved him through text. She was stuck.

She looked up at her clock on the left hand wall in her room. She mum got it for her when they were last redecorating her rooms. It was ten past eleven. Her mum and dad would be in bed by now. Ruby and Ethan had gone to bed over an hour ago. Come to think of it, Skye had been in bed for an hour as well. She turned to face the wall. The wall was lilac; Skye’s all time favourite colour. She expected to see Dylan bear but couldn’t find him. Normally he’d be sitting there and when Skye was upset, she’d dig her face into him and fall asleep. She didn’t notice that her Dylan bear was across the room sitting on her chair. She quickly leaped up, ran across the room grabbed Dylan bear and quickly jumped back into bed before it got cold.

Something hitting her balcony door suddenly startled her. She turned to see if it hit again. She waited but nothing happened so she lay down again. Then she could have sworn she heard something else but nothing hitting this time. She finally decided to get up and investigate. She walked up to the door. The door was the size of half her wall, with two huge windows vanishing the wall entirely. She lifted her curtains slowly her hands sweaty with adrenalin bubbling round her whole body. She glanced outside looking around for what hit her window.

Her heart raced. She could see something moving near the huge pine tree that from which a branch was leading right near her window. She had always wanted to climb down the tree and run off somewhere without her parents knowing. However, that never seems to happen. She told her parent everything and anything that was going through her mind. Now that’s the last thing she could think about. She let go of the curtain and turned around in a heartbeat. Maybe her eyes were deceiving her. Maybe she just saw a fox, a cat, or a something reasonable. She tried to build up enough courage to take another look. She took a slow breath to calm her rapid heartbeat. Before she had enough time for another thought to cross her mind. Someone called her name, someone familiar.

“Skye!” he said in a whisper only she could hear.

Skye opened the door and skid to the edge of the balcony. She skid so fast, if she leaned a little bit more she’d fall of trembling to the ground. That was something she wasn’t too keen on doing. She looked down to see her boyfriend wearing a pleading smile, which made Skye smile too.

“What are you doing here?” Skye asked.

“Oh just hanging around.” He answered.

The balcony door was open to its full length. The curtains were flying in the wind. Skye could feel then touching her on her back. Skye’s heartbeat eased with the wind.

“Now help me before I turn into a pancake. Please!” he still whispered.

“Give me your hand.” She commanded with coolness.

Skye reached for his hand to hoist him up to ground level. He grabbed a hold of Skye’s cold yet soft hand. She gradually heaved Dylan to a stand on the edge of the balcony. He relocated his legs to the safety of the inside of the balcony yet still sitting on it.

Abruptly he jumped of the railing and grabbed Skye so quickly, his movement made both Skye and Dylan plunge and land on the floor of Skye’s bedroom floor. Skye was left to lie under Dylan because when they fell Dylan landed on her entirely. She’s mum called from the other room.

“Skye, what happened?” she deafeningly asked.

The sound of Amy’s voice startled her. Skye hesitated. Dylan promptly leaped off Skye and hauled her up as soon as he was up. He pulled her up so fast she felt giddy standing. The sound of Amy’s footsteps echoed through the room.

“Hide!” she ordered.

“Where?” he asked.

Skye scanned the room to locate a place where he could hide. The thought shot through her mind. He could hide in her wardrobe.

“In here.”

Dylan did as he was told. Her wardrobe was big enough for a fully-grown sixteen year old could hide in. She shuffled about before getting comfortable enough to spend the next five minutes or so inside. He didn’t know it but Skye’s party dress was brushing against his head when Skye closed the door to block his visibility. Her mum was at the door. Thank god, Skye had a lock to her door that she remembered to use that night. She scuttled to the door to let her mum in. She prayed her mum wouldn’t look around.

“What happened?” asked Amy.

“ fell off. I fell off the bed.” She hesitantly replied. Her hand drenched with sweat. She made her hands into knuckles in fear of sweat dripping to the ground.

“Skye, how did you manage to do that? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Yeah I’m fine.” Fake Yawned Skye.

She tried to make it as believable as possible which was hard because her mum knew when she was lying. Amy made a confused face, stuck her head in to glance around the room and looked back at Skye. Skye heart was beating so fast she could hear it echoing round her room.

“Okay then, you get back to bed.” Amy told Skye.

She planted a kiss on Skye’s head, which wasn’t hard because Skye was still shorter than Amy and then left the room. Skye let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in. He hands moved but she couldn’t feel them. She locked the door and turned to see Dylan lips twist into a smirk.

“I fell of the bed? Nice.” He teased, his blue eyes laughing at her.

“Shut up.”

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