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"It was nice to meet you!" Colton said smiling. Teresa giggled for the hundredth time, "You too! Bye!" Colton smiled, "Bye." He pressed the end button, finishing the FaceTime session, and handed me back my phone.

"Thanks for doing that." I said placing my phone on the coffee table. We had all returned back the mansion right after the show, I had already changed into my pajamas and showered, Colton had done neither.

He smiled leaning back and sinking into the couch. I scooted a bit closer to him, we hadn't really talked about the kiss at all, I was kind of afraid to. "So, you guys are leaving tomorrow, huh?" I said softly. He turned to look at me, "We are supposed to, but Kelly and I were thinking about staying in HollyWood for a little while." I smiled, "Are you serious?" He nodded grinning, "Mhm, I was thinking of asking if I could stay here at the mansion."

"Do you really think Nigel would allow that? You're not a contestant." I argued. "Are you saying you don't want me to try and stay?" He asked raising his eyebrows. I shook my head quickly, "No, not at all! The plan just seems unlikely." He shrugged, "Give it a chance." He paused and took a breath. "So, about back stage....."

I winced and looked away from him. "I know Colton, we were just caught up in the moment. It doesn't mean anything." He looked at me confused, "No. That was not at all what I was gonna say, but if you feel that way, it's fine." His face fell a bit and I hurried to take control of the conversation. "No! Colton, I was just afraid that, that was what you were gonna tell me..... I-I really like you Colton."

A small, almost unnoticeable, smile graced his lips, "I really like you too." I giggled at how cliche this sounded. I wanted to kiss him again but I was afraid of another contestant walking in on us. "So how long are you and Kelly planning on staying?" I asked picking up the T.V. Remote. "I don't know, I was thinking until the finale. So I could be right there when you win." He said smiling, I blushed and turned on the television, "If I win! I don't want you to stay up here for nothing."

He shifted so his feet were resting on the coffee table, "It most definatley won't be for nothing." He said softly. My smile stayed plastered on my face as I scrolled through the channels and Hollie waked in and sat next to Colton.

"What won't be for nothing?" She asked running a comb through her damp blonde hair. "Staying in Hollywood until the finale." Colton said looking at her. Hollie nodded. "You don't wanna be disappointed if Ann-Marie doesn't win."

"Or, " I cut in, "If I don't make the top two in the first place." Hollie rolled her eyes, "You're a shoe in for the finale. Me, Unfortunatley, not." I glared at her, "Not again, stop talking like that!"

She pouted, "But it's true!" Colton had, had enough with our bickering, And tried to shift out talking back to the original topic, "On the bright side, Hollie, Kelly is staying as well." Hollie smiled a bit, "Kelly says that I could win. I don't believe her but hearing something like that from someone like her is super encouraging. If I make it next week, it will be nice to be able to talk to her before the show."

I nodded, "See! More people believe in you than you think, now stop mopping." Hollie just turned her attention to the T.V. Where I had the news playing, because of lack of any good shows being on. I gathered my hair and slipped a rubber band off my wrist and around it making a super off-centered and sloppy ponytail. I don't really care what my hair looks like infront of people I know plus I was too lazy to take it down and redo it.

Colton snorted, "Nice hair." I stuck my tongue out at him, "Ditto." he shrugged, "Point taken. I was thinking about dying it brown again and just getting a normal cut anyways." I involuntarily gasped, "No!"

He smirked and chucked. I shook my head, "You nearly gave me heart attack." I said trying not to laugh. His smirk remained firmly planted on his face, "I knew it would." I smacked his arm and, without any kind of warning, he started tickling me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2012 ⏰

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