So Famous

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Colton put his suitcase on his bed, "Just like I remember it. Seems like its been an eternity since I last walked down these hallways and in these rooms." He grinned looking around himself and then at me. I felt myself blush and tried to shield my face from him so he wouldn't notice.

"Well, Colton," I said, "Nigel will have my head if we haven't worked out these songs and have then ready to record by tomorrow. So we should probably get started as soon as possible." He nodded and I heard the beautiful blend of Clay and Jessica's voices flood from the room beside this one.

"I hate that we couldn't have gotten here earlier, they should have given a earlier notice. You guys didn't even get a chance to run your songs by Jimmy, right?" Colton asked walking into the bathroom and placing a small bag, which I assumed contained his hair stuff, on the counter.

I shook my head, "We didn't get to see Jimmy, and I agree, the whole process feels rushed this week." He nodded, "So, do you want to work out who will be singing what parts of the song?"

I nodded and handed him a couple sheets of loose leaf. "I already thought of that, look over this and see what you think. My parts ate highlighted in pink, both of us at the same time are yellow, and yours in blue."

He looked down at the paper and a stared at his flawless face.

I can't believe I am sitting, alone in a room, with Colton Dixon. I was forcing myself to remain professional but all really want to do is jump in his lap, touch his hair, and beg for an autograph.

He started to mouth his parts and hum mine quitely. I was practically drooling over him. I quickly pulled out my phone and shot Skylar Laine a text: 'Sitting with COLTON DIXON freaking out :D'. She responded immediatley: 'Lol try not to scare him to bad :p'. I smiled and locked my Iphone, slipping it back in my pocket.

When I looked up Colton had his eyes on me. "I think you've worked this out perefectly! Except I think we should both sing this part and not just me." He said pointing to a phrase highlighted in blue. I nodded, not really agreeing, but wanting to make him happy. "You're right Colton." I said editing the script. He smiled, "I'm really excited about these duets. Honestly. I think, personally, that you are one of the more exciting contestants this year, you've got a shot at winning."

I blushed a dark red. Holy crap, did he really just say that? I had no idea how to respond. "Thank you, that really means alot." I mumbled and trying to produce a grateful smile. He flashed me a dazzeling grin before suggesting we try to run through the songs and sing them a few times. I, being too shy around Colton to have my own opinion, agreed and started singing the first line in disease before the vocals switched to his.

Disease was a lot easier for me to sing than Runaway Baby, therefor I was prolonging the amount of time we worked on the first song so he wouldn't hear me mess up on the Bruno Mars single. "Alright, I think we've nailed that one, let's move onto, Runaway Baby." He said. I panicked slightly, "But..... Don't you wanna have lunch? You haven't had lunch yet right" I said probably sounding crazy. "Yeah sure, I am pretty hungry now that you mention it." He said getting up from where we had been seated on the floor and waiting for me to get up as well before walking out to the kitchen.

Joshua and Adam, to my delight, were seated on bar stools around the kitchen counter and eating noodles out of a bowl. Adam looked up and I smiled shakily at him, "Hi Adam, I'm Ann-Marie." My voice was pretty unstable, but Adam didn't seem to notice, or he was doing a heck of a job pretending to not have. "Hello." He said smiling back and digging back into his noodles. Colton smiled at Josh and sat down next to him, "Hey Joshua, your preformance last week really blew me away man." Joshua grinned, "Thanks, I loved your preformances last year, you had a great stage presence." Colton nodded in thanks and turned to me, "So what were you planning on for lunch?" I shrugged, "I could warm up some noddles like they have if you want?"

Colton nodded, "Sounds good." I pulled a container of the food from out of the refridgerator and cracked the lid, then placing it in the micowave. "I"m gonna go see if everyone else is hungry." Colton gave me a thumbs up, "I'll get the noodles out after they are done." I gave him a quick thank you and rushed down the hallway first peeking in Hollie's room. I said Hi to her and Kelly and invited them to lunch, they decided they were hungry and went out to the kitchen as did Phillip and his partner.

When I got to Jessica's room I looked in and nearly fainted at the sight of Clay Aiken. I. Love. Him.

They both looked up, "Yeah?" I fumbled over my words at first but got out my sentence in a couple seconds, "We are all having lunch in the kitchen do you guys wanna come?" They both nodded and stood up from where they were seated on the bed. "She's a huge fan of you Clay." Jessica pointed out as they neared me. Clay gave me a smile, "It's nice to meet you." I almost fainted. He was so famous."Hi, you too."

I was nervous around Clay inside and out, but my nerves were one hundered times more amplified when Colton was around, I just worked harder to keep myself professonal on the outside around him.


Colton Dixon and I walked into the studio, ready to record our duets for Itunes. With Colton's help my vocals were now spot on in Runaway Baby, and my nerves when I was around him had gone down slightly. He was just so kind and funny, he made you feel welcome in his life and I was therefor less nervous around him.

"I've got a disease deep inside me, makes me feel uneasy, baby." I sang and he took up the next line, "I can't live without you, tell me, what am I supposed to do about it?"

Colton's eyes shimmered as he sung and he was looking me right in the eyes. I was surprised how steady my voice stayed while he looked at me and my heartbeat sped up. My fingers rested lightly on the microphone, and I closed my eyes, putting more passion into the song. Disease isn't a love song, but we were singing it like one.

Close Your Eyes and Wish for it (A Colton Dixon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now