What Now?

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I was shaking backstage as our stylists pressed powder on our faces and combs through our hair. This was it, one hour exactly until show time. Colton and I were up second with Runaway Baby. My fingers were pressed against my black denim pants while my thumb was hooked around my belt loop. My feet tapped against the floor restlessly as I let out a breath and looked to the ceiling.

Joshua walked up behind me as my stylist walked away for a moment to swap make up with Jessica's. "Nervous?"

I nodded, "More than usual." He rubbed my shoulders for a moment before pulling his hands away and resting them on the back of my chair, "Don't stress yourself out about it. It's just another show, the only thing that's different is that Colton's at your side. It should be comforting."

He stepped back a bit, preparing to walk off and go where he was needed. "I know, it's just a feeling. It will probably pass and be replaced with uncontainable excitement by the time the show starts." I mumbled before he smiled lightly and walked into the wardrobe area. My stylist worked a small brush over my eyelids and another over my lips. I always had a horrible feeling that when I opened my eyes my makeup would look like a cross between a clown and a Barbie doll. There had been an incident top 10 week where my usual makeup artist was sick and the replacement had no idea how pale I would look on camera. My makeup was super heavy and ridiculous looking. I got a lot of grief about that the next day.

"Alright, someone get me a flat iron for this girls hair!" She yelled putting down the makeup brushes an hurrying across the room.

Jessica looked over at me from the chair she was seated in beside me, "Do you think it's too much?" She asked motioning towards her outfit. People have been saying lately that she dressed too old for her age and tonight, in my opinion, was no exception.

"Don't worry about it. The majority of the viewers don't vote, with the girls anyways, based on our appearances. The guys is a different story."

Jess laughed, "Ain't that the truth." I shook my head, "Ain't, isn't a word." she stuck her tongue out at me, "Whatever, I guess if they were voting for the girls based in how we look each night you would have been gone top 10 week." Now it was my turn to stick my tongue out, "Don't speak of it!"

We both laughed as my lady came back and immediately started thrusting the flat iron through my hair. I watch as each chunk of my hair was tamed and smoothed while Jessica's was fluffed and conked. I closed my eyes and fingered the bottom of my shirt. It was warm from hugging my skin and felt good on my cold fingers. I hate that my styling was right underneath the air vent. It was like sitting inside an icecube.

My eyes popped open as Colton's cologne reached my nose. He sat down in the chair next to me that wasn't occupied by Jessica. I looked at him, "You look finished." I said taking in his wardrobe and perfect hair. He shrugged, "Just some finishing touches." Just as the sentence left his lips a woman was already attacking his face with a makeup brush. He barely seemed to notice, continuing the conversation, "You nervous?" I nodded and he smiled, "Dont tell anyone, but I am scared to death to preform on that stage again. You could go home because of me."

I shook my head and without thinking said, "Nah, youre perfect, you could never mess up. Youre always perfect." After I said it I realized I sounded just like some fangirl who thought everything he did was flawless. He laughed and I let out a breath. Oh good, he thought it was a joke, he didnt know that thats what I honestly think. "I wish I was. No ones perfect."

I smiled and a random thought hit me, "Have you ever read any of the fanfictions about yourself?" He chuckled, "Where did that come from?" I shrugged, "Just something that Ive always wondered."

Close Your Eyes and Wish for it (A Colton Dixon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now