Fan Mail

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"Please?!" I begged for what seemed like the hundreth time. Hulio, our choreographer, shook his head, "Ann-Marie, no matter how many times you ask the answer remains the same, no."

"But why?"

"If you screw up and get hurt we could get sued."

"But im not gonna mess up! I could do it in my sleep."

He sighed, "The answer is still no."

"But look, I can do it!" I said postioning my body getting ready.

He ran over to me, "No! Don't! You are not doing a front flip over a rock hard floor on national television."

I groaned and crossed my arms over my chest pouting. Colton chuckled nudging my shoulder, "Just think what would happen if you messed up and landed face first on the stage."

"But I wouldnt! I can do a flip in heels, please?" I said starting off talking to Colton and then pleading once again to the choreographer. Hulio shook his head, "For the last time, no! Let's just move on to the next song."

He started talking about Disease while I was still plotting my illegal front flip for Runaway Baby.

"And then as you switch over to the chorus, Colton put one hand on her arm and just stand close. The auidence will eat it up. But after the chorus just separate and do your thing."

Colton nodded looking at me. I probably looked crazy, I was staring at the ceiling, biting my lip, and smiling like a fool. 'Im gonna be close to Colton.... Hes gonna sing to me, TO ME........ Best freaking week ever!' I thought.

"But," Colton pointed out, "Disease isnt a love song."

Hulio raised his eyebrows as if to say, 'Have you heard the way you sing that song?' Colton seemed to get it and shut his mouth. I grinned, "I like that idea Hulio!" Colton snorted, "Thats a first."

I continued, "It will be like when they did the whole showmance thing with Julia and Colton last year...... Julton." I said looking at Colton and making a heart with my hands mockingly. "Shut up." He said. Hulio laughed lightly before returning back to his job.

He talked for what seemed like an enternity about the placement of the instruments on the stage and how the lighting would be. Appearently this is vital information when it came to the choroeraphy of this song. I was zoned out, but Colton looked like he was taking mental notes and invisioning what we would look like onstage.

"Alright, you guys got all that?" Hulio asked. Colton nodded and so did I. "You know, Hulio," I said, "Just my professional opinion, but considering the lighting effects in Runaway Baby, I think a front flip would compliment it very well." I said it mockingly and he rolled his eyes. "No. You two are dismissed."

I stood up and Colton rose behind me. "So," I said, "Do you think you could explain the choreography to me when we get home?" He laughed, "Phillip told me you have a habit of not paying attention." I shrugged, "What can I say? I have a habit of getting sucked into my own thoughts." He smiled, "Lately, me too."

Since we were the last ones in to see Hulio, the holding room was empty and only one car was parked outside for us to ride in. Colton, being the gentleman that he is, opened the car door for me and closed it after I got in, then running to the cars other side and sliding in himself.

"Colton, be completely honest, did you ever have a crush on Julia last season?" I asked as the driver started towards the mansion. "Ugh, you too? No, that would just be wierd. Besides, she had and has a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend or not you can still have feelings for her, you just can't do anything about them." I pointed out as he tried to shift the conversation, "Enough about my 'love life' talk about yourself. Do you have a crush on any of the other idols?" I rolled my eyes, "You know the answer is no." He shrugged, "What about back home? Do you have a boyfriend?" I shook my head, "Nope. You?" He shook his head as well, "Nah. I'm still single."

Close Your Eyes and Wish for it (A Colton Dixon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now