Our Idols

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Nigel's assistant, Heather, a tall woman with stark black hair and cold blue eyes walked into the living room where she had called the five of us for a meeting. "Alright idols!" She said looking at her clipboard, "All of your past contestants have agreed to show up and do the duets."

I squealed and she regarded me coldly, silently asking me to shut up so she could continue. I held up my hands in surrender and pulled an invisible zipper over my mouth, signaling for her to continue, and earning a giggle from Jessica.

"All of your celebrities will be flying in tomorrow at noon, we will send a car to pick them up and they will arrive here at one o'clock. They will be staying here in the mansion, you are not to harass them in any way. Understood?" She said, speaking to us like we were kindergarteners.

We nodded, "Understood." She scribbled something down on her clipboard, "Excellent, now I just need to know the two songs you will be singing with your idols so we can email it to them. Joshua, what are your songs?"

Heather went down the line asking for our song titles and writing them down. She got to me, "Ann-Marie, your songs?" I looked down at my hand where I had written down the songs titles incase I forgot, "Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars, for my first song, and Disease by Matchbox 20 for my second."

She nodded, "You are all dismissed, but you might want to tidy up before they get here tomorrow." Heather said motioning to all the crap we had thrown and piled everywhere. She walked out, black hair swinging and heels clicking behind her.

"I call not cleaning!" I shouted having déjà vu from middle school when me and my friends would fight over who had to clean the lunch table. Phillip rolled his eyes, "I can't clean, I have kidney issues."

"You can't use that as an excuse for everything." Hollie said sounding more Australian than usual. Phillip grinned sarcastically, "I can try can't I." Jessica laughed and started putting our dirty dishes in the washer. Phillip sighed and bent down along with Joshua to pick up random items from the floor and put them in their places.

I snuck away to my room to avoid the cleaning and started going through my wardrobe looking for an awesome outfit. I have to look amazing, I'm meeting my biggest crush of all time along with four other celebrities. I was probably in my room for thirty minutes before any of the other idols realized I wasn't helping them clean.

Phillip marched back into my room looking pretty ticked off, "What the heck! You have to help, do you what Colton to walk in and see this crap fest?!" I looked down at my bare feet, "No, but I'm cleaning Jessica and I's room."

Phillip raised his eyebrows and leaned against the door frame, "Oh really? Because it seems there are more clothes on the floor than there were before the meeting." I sighed, "I don't wanna clean, Phil. I just wanna think about Colton!"

He rolled his eyes, "He's here on professional business, you guys are going to record vocals, work on your songs, rehearse your performances, preform on the show, and then he's going to leave. It's not going to be a week of hanging out and having fun, Ann-Marie."

I sighed, "You think I don't know that? It's just fun to fantasize, you know? It makes it feel like its so close that you can almost taste it. You just wanna Close your eyes and wish for it."

"Well, you can wish for it after the living room is cleaned up. Oh, wait, after that you're gonna have to pick up the mess you've made in here."

"Don't treat me like a child Phillip, I'm only four years younger."

He turned around to leave, "I'm sorry I don't mean to, I just feel kind of stressed lately with the surgery and stuff." I nodded trying to relate to him and followed Phillip out of the room.

It was surprising how fast they had cleaned the living room. What they accomplished in the thirty minutes I was gone would have normally taken them days to clean up. Man, when they are motivated they are like totally different people. We should have celebrities come over more often.

The kitchen was spotless and all the dishes were washed and put away. The living room was practically done, only a few scattered items remained on the floor, all of which were mine.

"We left your stuff for you to clean." Joshua said stuffing a wrapper in the trash can. I nodded picking them up and cradling them in my arms. "I'll got out these in my room."

By the time nine o'clock rolled around the house was barely recognizable. It was organized and clean, the opposite of what it was four hours ago. "Nice work team." Jess said letting everyone give her a high five. "What do you say we go to bed now?" I suggested looking at everyone's tired faces. Hollie let out a yawn and Josh gave me a thumbs up, "Definitely."

**Twelve Forty-Five the Next Day**

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" I squealed starring at the clock. "Fifteen minutes away from having all of my dreams come true! I've dreamed of this moment all my life!"

Phillip groaned, "Ann-Marie, we know you've said it seven times in the last five minutes. I'm excited as well, but you are taking it over board." I nodded shaking in excitement and anticipation, "I know, but this is like my dream!"

"We get it!" Hollie said laughing and sitting down beside me on the couch. I smiled grabbing a soda from her hand and continued to watch the clock and the drive way from the window that was next to the couch.

Ten agonizing minutes later a black stretch limo pulled into the drive way. I jumped up and spit out the soda I had in my mouth, "THEY'RE HERE!!!! OH MY GOD THEY'RE HERE!!!!" Jessica made an attempt to calm me down but all I could focus on was the tiny figures climbing out of the car below me.

I saw them enter the mansion and I hurriedly brushed my fingers through my hair and tried to look relaxed and casual. Soon enough Heather an Nigel walked through the door.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Nigel said, "Meet your Idols." My breath caught in my throat as Colton walked through the door. He looked twice as good in person, his blonde hair was prefect and his eyes were striking. Adam, Clay, Kelly, and Scotty entered behind him.

"Scotty, this is your partner Phillip." Heather said motioning for all of us to stand and for Phillip to come and greet Scotty. "Hi, I'm excited to get to work with you." Scotty said as he shook hands with Phil.

Hollie, Joshua, and Jessica were introduced in the same way. "Alright, and Colton that's Ann-Marie." Heather stated as I nervously walked over to him. I put a smile on my face and tried to act confident, but inside I was shaking and super shy.

"Hi, I'm honored that you chose me to preform with." Colton said. I smiled, shyness slowly melting away, "Your welcome, I'm happy that you accepted the offer. I was so disappointed that you left last year, I was betting on you for the win."

He smiled and my heart skipped a beat, "Thank you, that means a lot, And by the way, I looked at your choices for our duet songs and I must say I'm extremely excited. I love both of the songs."

"Thank you." I said looking over at the other contestants who were starting towards the bedrooms to show out guests where they would be staying. "So," I said, "Let me show you your room."

Close Your Eyes and Wish for it (A Colton Dixon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now